VETenrol is compatible with FinPa LMS, providing an end-to-end solution where registrations are received, processed and passed to FinPa LMS allowing participants access within minutes*.
The key steps are to be completed in VETtrak using the FinPa LMS Brands setting in the Configuration Manager:
- Add your brand, and complete the wizard using details as provided by FinPa.
- Once the brand is created, open FinPa/VETtrak course mappings:
- Retrieve the course list from FinPa, then map all courses to the appropriate Unit/Module or Qualification.
Then from the Programme Manager, for each occurrence:
- Complete the Setup Auto Web Enrolment Transfer to FinPa LMS Wizard, accessible by right-clicking 'Enrolments' for the occurrence.
- The checkbox 'Automatically send new web enrolments in this occurrence to FinaPa LMS' must be enabled.
- The appropriate transfer option must also be enabled.
- Complete the Quick Publish Wizette, accessible by right-clicking 'Details' for the occurrence. The following checkboxes must be enabled:
- Publish for LMS integration
- Publish for online enrolment
- Auto-process web reservations.
Occurrences must contain the Units/Module(s), or have the qualification selected, that were mapped in the configuration.