Custom Fields

VETtrak also allows you to configure Custom Fields for recording additional information that is specific to your organisation. You can create your own custom fields that allow you to enter information in the appropriate wizard and store it within the VETtrak database.

  • Custom fields simply store additional data. VETtrak does not know the meaning of your custom fields, and cannot take any action based on these fields.
  • Custom fields should be used sparingly and only for information that is specific to your organisation. If you use custom fields for data that is widely applicable to many RTOs, they may be added to VETtrak in the future and there may be a service charge to migrate the data across. Please contact VETtrak support if you are uncertain whether the field you want to add is widely used.
  • Any request to transfer data from a custom field to a VETtrak standard field will be reviewed and a quote provided to complete the work.
  • Custom fields can be used in custom reports, but there may be technical and practical limitations on how they can be used.
  • Custom fields for enrolments only apply to client enrolments, they cannot be used with employer enrolments.

Custom fields are applied to data types in VETtrak, referred to as Entities.

These entities include:

  • Client 
  • Client VET Student Loan Course of Study
  • Client award
  • Client enrolment
  • Contract
  • Employer
  • Invoice
  • Occurrence
  • Placement
  • Qualification/Course
  • Unit/Subject


Creating Custom Fields

In the Configuration Manager, right-click on Custom fields and select Add custom field:

This will display the Custom Field Wizard:

Depending upon the Custom Field type you have selected, the following page may appear to configure specific selection needs:

  • Click Add to add an item to the list.
  • Give the list item a name.
  • (Optional) Give the item a code. This will not be displayed in the wizard, but may be useful for custom reports.
  • You can change the order of the items by using the arrow buttons.
  • If you want a default item that is to be filled in initially, tick it here.
  • If you cannot delete an item, you can make it inactive instead by unticking this box. This will stop it appearing as on option for the field in future, but it will still appear for any record where it has already been selected.
  • Click the red cross to delete an item from the list. This cannot be done if the item has already been selected anywhere.

Use this page to indicate which entity the custom field belongs to. This will determine which wizard within VETtrak will display the new field when information is being entered/amended.

  • Indicate what the field is to apply to (more than one can be selected).
  • Indicate if it is to be a mandatory field. If selected, the user will not be able to progress past the data entry screen until a value has been entered.


Field types

  • Free Text on One Line Use this option when free text entry is required and the answer should be short.
    1. If the answer should have a minimum number of characters, set the minimum length there.
    2. Tick this box if you want to limit the maximum length of the data entered in this field.
    3. If (2) is ticked, enter the maximum length.
  • Free Text on Multiple LinesUse this option when a longer free text response is required.
    1. If the answer should have a minimum number of characters, set the minimum length there.
    2. Tick this box if you want to limit the maximum length of the data entered in this field.
    3. If (2) is ticked, enter the maximum length.
  • Single selection from a dropdown  
    • Use this option when you want the user to select a single item from a dropdown list.
  • Single selection from a radio button list  
    • Use this option when you want the user to select a single item from a set list of items and you want all the items displayed.
  • Multiple selection from a tickbox list  
    • Use this option when you want the user to select from a set list of items, and multiple items can be selected.
  • Single tickbox
  • Date 
    • Tick this box if this field would most commonly be set to today's date.
  • Whole number 
    1. If the answer should have a minimum value, set the minimum value here.
    2. Tick this box if the answer should have a maximum value.
    3. If (2) is ticked, enter the maximum value.
  • Decimal number 
    1. If the answer should have a minimum value, set the minimum value here.
    2. Tick this box if the answer should have a maximum value.
    3. If (2) is ticked, enter the maximum value.
    4. Enter the number of decimal places that can be entered in the field.

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