There are two ways to set the permissions for the various objects within VETtrak:
- Right-click on a node to grant or deny permissions to all objects underneath that node, or
- Right-click on the individual objects to set permissions for that object only.
If a role currently has View access to all aspects of Employers, but we want it to also have Edit permission for everything related to Employers, we would right-click on the Employers node and select Grant all > Edit access:
This would result in permissions that look like this:
If you wished instead for this role to be able to edit information about Employer Contacts, but not Employers themselves or Employer Types, we would right-click on the Employer contact node and click Edit access to enable it:
This would leave us with permissions that look like this:
For some items, however, there is only one level of access, which is marked as "View" access. There are three types of these items:
- Things that only designed for viewing information, such as the Award Register and Sent Email Register.
- Managers, such as the Client Manager, Programme Manager, etc.
- Utilities, such as the various claims wizards for government reporting.
These are view-only items, where the only reason to access them is to either carry out a particular action (such as government reporting), or to have access to a range of other items which are controlled by their own permissions (such as the various Managers). As well as only having "[V]" next to them, these items are also easily distinguishable by having a blue icon next to them, instead of green:
Take care when granting permissions for these items, and remember that giving any access to these items may be allowing the user to carry out certain activities.