VETtrak 4.4.4 Release Notes

Important - please read this first

  • If you are upgrading from any 4.3.x.x version of VETtrak, it is strongly recommended that you read the version 4.4.0 release notes first.
  • Windows XP and Server 2003 - VETtrak no longer officially supports these older operating systems. Although VETtrak may continue to work on these operating systems, we cannot guarantee 100% compatibility in future.
  • Reports - if you have any customised NSW Smart and Skilled reports, invoice exporter reports, or report scheduler reports, they will not be compatible after the upgrade to version 4.4.4 and will require an update. Please plan the timing of your upgrade to allow time for updating of these reports before you need them.
  • Report updates - after performing the update to 4.4.4, you must perform a report update in VETtrak, otherwise you will have no built-in or standard reports. To do so, after updating to 4.4.4, go to the File menu -> Global Preferences -> Report Updates -> Check Web For Updates button.
  • Standard reports - System Reports have been renamed to "Standard Reports". The list of reports in here has been updated, some reports have been removed or moved to another category. If there is a report that you have used before that you cannot locate in the new list please contact the VETtrak support centre on 03 6333 0166. In addition, if you had any customised (mapped) standard reports that you still require, you will need to re-map them in the Utility menu -> Report Mappings.

Release - 30/10/2015

Version is a minor update from It incorporates improvements and new features in response to customer feedback.

USI changes

  1. Locate USI. A new "Locate client's USI in the USI registry" tickbox has been added to the last page of the Client Personal wizard and Fast Client wizard. When ticked, VETtrak will ask the USI registry to locate a USI for the student. This requires that you have entered the full name, DOB, gender, country of birth and town/city of birth, and at least one contact detail (email address, mobile phone, home phone or postal address), that matches the USI registry's records. If a USI is located, it is saved into VETtrak and automatically verified, otherwise VETtrak will show you the reason why the USI registry could not locate it. A new "Attempt to locate a USI when editing a client missing it" preference has been added to the Global Preferences -> Compliance Preferences -> USI tab - when ticked, VETtrak will tick the "Locate client's USI" tickbox by default when editing a client who does not have a USI and is not a staff member or employer contact.
  2. DVS override and non-DVS document types.When using DVS (Document Verification Service) Override to create a USI, you can now tell the USI registry what type of non-DVS document was presented by the student, as follows:
    1. Tick the box to enable DVS override for an organisation in the Organisation wizard in the Configuration Manager.
    2. Right-click the organisation in the Configuration Manager and use "Update non-DVS document types for USI" to retrieve from the USI registry a list of valid non-DVS document types for your organisation.
    3. When creating a USI, or adding a USI application to a batch, if "DVS check required" is not ticked, VETtrak will ask you to select which type of non-DVS document was presented by the student. If "Other" is selected, you will need to enter a short description of the type of identity document the student provided.
    4. The entered non-DVS document type information will be passed through to the USI registry as part of the USI application.

Programme Manager changes

  1. Status filter. A new Status filter has been added to the Programme Manager. This allows you to only see occurrences that are in the selected status(es). The statuses are grouped by type (active, completed and cancelled), making it easy to turn on or off all statuses of a particular type.
  2. Toggling filters. Each filter in the Programme Manager (state/location, programme type, and status) now has a tickbox allowing you to easily turn each filter on or off. A message at the bottom of the screen will indicate which filters are on.
  3. Saving filters. Pressing the new "Save filters" button at the bottom of the Programme Manager will cause VETtrak to remember which filters are on, the selections in each filter, and the selected display mode, for the logged-in user. The last-saved filter and display mode will be restored the next time the Programme Manager is opened. Click the "Clear filters" button to turn each filter off and show everything. Clicking "Save filters" after clicking "Clear filters" will cause all filters to be turned off when next opening the Programme Manager.
  4. Occurrence Training Plan. The menu option for editing the default training plan for the units in an occurrence has been moved from the Details node to the Units/Modules node.
  5. Change classes. When right-clicking the Classes node for an occurrence in the Programme Manager, the "change classroom" and "change staff" wizards have been combined into one "change classes" wizard. A third option has also been added to this wizard, allowing the start and/or finish times of multiple classes to be updated.
  6. Change status of occurrence enrolments. A new "Change status of enrolments" option has been added to the menu when right-clicking the Enrolments node for an occurrence in the Programme Manager. This opens a new wizard allowing you to change the status of multiple selected enrolments in the occurrence in bulk. This wizard will also allow you to remove selected clients from, or add selected clients to, the classes in the occurrence if cancelling or re-activating enrolments.
  7. Change status in Occurrence wizard. The "Change all enrolments in this occurrence to this status and date of status change" tickbox in the Occurrence wizard has been changed so that it only ever updates the status of active enrolments.
  8. Linked units in Programme Manager. Expanding a unit in an occurrence in the Programme Manager, to show the clients enrolled in the unit, will now indicate which clients are there due to a linked enrolment.
  9. Removing enrolling clients from waitlist. If you enrol a client into an occurrence, without using the "enrol from waitlist" option, and that client was already on the waitlist for the occurrence's programme, VETtrak will ask whether you want to remove the client from the waitlist for the programme.
  10. Enrolling in an occurrence with no tasks. The warning message that appears when enrolling in an occurrence that has no tasks has been simplified, and you can press Enter to choose the Yes option to continue creating the enrolment.

Event changes

  1. Occurrence events.A new "Events" node has been added to occurrences in the Programme Manager. This allows you to assign events to an occurrence, and optionally have them copied to new client enrolments in the occurrence. This can be useful for tracking things that need to be done for the occurrence itself, or for setting up a standard set of events that get copied to each enrolment in the occurrence. The new features include:
    1. Use the Events node in the Programme Manager to assign, edit or delete events in the occurrence.
    2. The Calendar Manager will show occurrence events in a new colour, if they are set to "show in calendar".
    3. When duplicating an occurrence, any occurrence events are also duplicated. The dates of the events are adjusted to suit the start date of the new occurrence. "Complete" flags are not duplicated, so that you can tick off the events in the new occurrence.
    4. When moving an occurrence, the dates of any occurrence events are also moved.
    5. When enrolling client(s) into an occurrence (including from the waitlist, or adding employees to an employer enrolment), a new tickbox at the bottom of the screen allows you to see the event list from the occurrence (this is disabled if the occurrence has no events). This new events page allows you to choose which events from the occurrence to copy to the new enrolment(s). You can control whether the events page is shown by default or not using a new "Always show events for new enrolments" preference in the Global Preferences -> Programme Preferences -> Adding tab. Also, you can make all events be ticked by default for new occurrence enrolments by ticking the new "Add all occurrence events to new enrolments" preference.
    6. When assigning an event to an occurrence, you can tick a new "Add the event to all active enrolments within this occurrence" tickbox on the last page of the Occurrence Event wizard to copy the new event to all active enrolments in the occurrence. This will be ticked by default if the "Add all occurrence events to new enrolments" preference is on.
    7. A new "Occurrence Event" security entity allows you to control user's access rights to occurrence events.
  2. Scheduling events. The functions for scheduling multiple events have been standardised. There are now two separate options - "Schedule an event multiple times", which allows you to select a single event, a start date, a number of copies, and an interval between each copy, and "Schedule series of events", allowing you to select an ordered series of events, with a date range, and have VETtrak distribute the events across the date range. These two options are now available everywhere that events can be assigned - for clients, employers, enrolments, contracts, or occurrences. In addition, in the Configuration Manager, you can right-click an event and schedule it multiple times for multiple clients or employers, and you can right-click the Events node itself to schedule a series of events for multiple clients or employers. When scheduling events for multiple clients, you can also choose to link each event to the last contract or enrolment for each client.
  3. Link event to last enrolment. The "link to last enrolment" tickbox in the Client Event wizard will now link the event to the client's most recent active enrolment of any type, whether it be a contract, non-contract or occurrence enrolment.
  4. Event filter. The event log in the Client and Employer Managers have a new event field allowing you to filter the events displayed to just the selected event type.
  5. Enrolment field. The enrolment field in the Client Event wizard will now show the programme name and occurrence short code of any occurrence enrolments.

Messaging changes

  1. "Any context" merge templates. A new "Any context" option has been added to email, SMS and invoice item merge templates. This context does not have any merge fields (other than the current date and time), but allows you to create a template that contains standard "canned text" that can always be used regardless of context. Active "Any context" merge templates will always be available for selection everywhere you select a merge template. Furthermore, when you run an in-built report, standard report or custom report, and export it to email, you are able to select an "Any context" email merge template for the email.
  2. Email invoice and receipt. A new "Email invoice" option when right-clicking an invoice, and a new "Email receipt" option when right-clicking a payment, have been added. This will show the Email wizard (with the option to use a client-context email merge template) with the invoice or receipt generated into a PDF and attached. By default, a client invoice/receipt will be emailed to the invoiced client, and an employer invoice/receipt will be emailed to the employer contact selected for the invoice (or the invoiced employer's primary contact if none), if they have an email address.
  3. Email AVETMISS files. A new "Email NAT files" tickbox has been added to the second page of the Generate State AVETMISS and Generate National AVETMISS wizards. When ticked, after the NAT files have been saved, the Email wizard will appear, with the NAT files zipped up into a single ZIP file and attached. You can optionally use an "any context" email merge template for this email. VETtrak will remember whether this is ticked for each user.

Finance changes

  1. Filter pricing items. A new filter text box has been added next to the Add button in the pricing grid in the Enrolment and Contract wizards. If you enter text into this box, the list of available pricing items will be filtered to only those containing the entered text. This is useful if you have a long list of pricing items. Press the X button or clear the field to stop filtering.
  2. Invoice Schedule view invoice. A new button column has been added to the Invoice Schedule wizard. For each item that has been invoiced, you can click this button to view the invoice that the item is on in the Invoice wizard in read-only.
  3. Reversing exported payments. If a payment has been exported and is "locked" for editing, it is no longer possible to reverse or delete it either.
  4. Blank Invoice Item wizard. A fix has been made for an issue that could cause the Invoice Item wizard to not show any pricing items when adding "enrolments by client" to an invoice.

Other changes

  1. Enrolment Results wizard improvements.A number of improvements have been made to this wizard:
    1. A column selector button has been added to the top-left corner of the grid. This allows you to view and edit any columns from the Training Plan wizard, as well as the Hours column from the Edit AVETMISS values wizard, in the grid at the same time as recording the unit results.
    2. The Status column now works like other Status columns in VETtrak. It has been moved to the left side of the grid, and clicking it will show details of the status in a pop-up.
    3. The "Show extra columns" tickbox at the bottom has been removed, as you can use the column selector to show or hide the Claimed, Paid, Amount and/or Expiry columns separately.
    4. A new "Fit columns to grid" tickbox has been added to the bottom of the wizard. When ticked, the column widths are adjusted so that all the columns fit in the width of the grid. Unticking it allows the columns to stretch out to the right, with a horizontal scrollbar.
    5. When Finish is clicked, the wizard will remember which columns are showing, the width of each column, whether "Fit columns to grid" is ticked, and the size of the wizard, for each user, and use these settings the next time the user opens the wizard.
  2. Holidays.Holidays, which are set up in the Configuration Manager, are now used in more places in VETtrak:
    1. Holidays are shown in the Calendar Manager.
    2. VETtrak will now show a warning when a class or event is added or edited and its dates overlap any holidays. National holidays will always be checked. The check for state-based holidays will be limited to the state of the occurrence for a class, or state of the location of the enrolment or contract the event is linked to. For an event that is not linked to an enrolment or contract, holidays for all states will be checked. When creating multiple events using a scheduling function, the holiday check will include the dates of all events that are to be created.
    3. When using the Schedule Classes using Calendar wizard, a new panel on the clashes page will list any classes that overlap with holidays (national holidays, and those in the state of the occurrence).
  3. SA funding sources. Several new state funding sources have been added to South Australia, including for Work Ready.
  4. Archive rooms. Rooms within locations can now be archived in the Configuration Manager.
  5. Importing Construction Skills Queensland payment files. A new "CP" file option has been added to the QLD Payment Importer, allowing Construction Skills Queensland payment files (CP files) to be imported.
  6. Web client work phone. The work phone number field is now visible and editable when processing a web enrolment and matching a web client.
  7. Add new employee. A new "Add employee" option has been added to the menu when right-clicking the Employees node in the Employer Manager. This opens the Client wizard to create a new client, with the employer selected by default.
  8. Status in unit search. When searching for units (eg. in the Qualification Manager, or when adding a unit to an enrolment), you can now select whether to include units that are active, inactive, or either.
  9. Password generation. When new passwords are generated in VETtrak, they will no longer be able to contain any of the following characters that may be confused with other characters: zero, one, upper and lower-case letter O, lower-case letter L, and upper-case letter I.
  10. External code. The "external debtor code" field in the Client Personal wizard and Employer wizard has been renamed to "external code".
  11. Tasks in read-only. Tasks in an enrolment or an occurrence are now shown (but not editable) when VETtrak is in read-only mode.
  12. VET FEE-HELP in read-only. Fixes have been made so that VET FEE-HELP wizards can be used in read-only.
  13. Backup wizard. A fix has been made for the "Cannot open file" error that could occur when using the Backup wizard to create a backup of larger Firebird databases.
  14. Empty room field. An fix has been made for an issue that can cause the room field to be empty when editing a class located in a different state from the one selected at the top of the screen.
  15. FileTrak document security.The security rules for accessing FileTrak documents have been made more consistent, as follows:
    1. To view FileTrak documents for an entity (client, enrolment etc), you require View access to the entity in question, and View access to the Document Management entity
    2. To add a FileTrak document to an entity, you require Edit access to the entity in question, and Add access to the Document Management entity
    3. To edit a FileTrak document for an entity, you require Edit access to the entity in question, and Edit access to the Document Management entity
    4. To delete a FileTrak document for an entity, you require Edit access to the entity in question, and Delete access to the Document Management entity
  16. WA Enrolment Export wizard. An issue that could cause error messages to not display when the same enrolment is listed multiple times in the WA Enrolment Export wizard has been fixed.
  17. Arrow keys in client AVETMISS details. An issue causing the up and down arrow keys to not function correctly when tabbing to fields on the AVETMISS details page in the Client Personal wizard field has been fixed.
  18. Duplex printing. An issue causing the duplex paper setting to be reset to the default each time a report is printed has been fixed.
  19. VIC enrolment identifiers in profiles. An issue that could cause VIC enrolment identifiers to be duplicated into contract profiles has been fixed.
  20. VIC VSN Invalid Input error. An issue causing an "Invalid Input" error when downloading VIC VSNs on computers with regional settings using hyphens as the date separator has been fixed.

Release - 01/09/2015

Version 4.4.4 is a major update from 4.4.3.x and includes database upgrades. Ensure you have a backup of your database before upgrading. If at all unsure please contact VETtrak Customer Support on 03 6333 0166 or email

The most significant changes are:

Software subscription

VETtrak is changing to a software subscription model, where the annual fee paid not only covers support and updates, but also allows full access to the software. If your software subscription expires and is not renewed, VETtrak will change to a read-only mode, allowing you to view your data and run exports, but not allow you to enter or change any data until the renewal is paid and your registration key is updated.

NSW Smart and Skilled changes

  1. Extra column in provider calculator upload. A new "Social Housing Resident or Wait List" field has been added to the Eligibility info part 2 tab in the Enrolment wizard for NSW Smart and Skilled. This new field is exported in a new column in the NSW Provider Calculator Export spreadsheet.
  2. Provider calculator results fields. A new Commitment info tab has been added to the Enrolment wizard for NSW Smart and Skilled. The expiry date has been moved to this tab, and it contains new fields for recording information from the NSW Smart and Skilled provider calculator results for the commitment ID: status, notification date, cancellation date, student fee, subsidy, needs loading and location loading. The tab also contains a new grid where payments made by the government for the commitment ID can be recorded.
  3. Provider calculator results importer. A new "Provider calculator results import" option has been added to the Utility -> NSW claims menu. This allows you to bulk import a results spreadsheet that you have downloaded from the NSW provider calculator into VETtrak, to record the commitment ID, dates, status, student fee, subsidy and loading amounts into VETtrak. VETtrak will attempt to match each row in the spreadsheet to a VETtrak client, using the Provider Student ID if available, otherwise the names and date of birth. VETtrak will then attempt to match each row in the spreadsheet to an enrolment for that client, using the Qualification code and Start date. The status column will indicate which rows can be matched and have data updated, and which ones cannot be matched. The imported data can be viewed in the new Commitment info tab in the Enrolment wizard for NSW Smart and Skilled.
  4. Payment summary importer. A new "Payment history import" option has been added to the Utility -> NSW claims menu. This allows you to bulk import a spreadsheet of payments that you have downloaded from the ePayments system into VETtrak, to record those payments against the applicable commitment IDs, enabling you to compare the payments received to the subsidy due. VETtrak will attempt to match the commitment ID on each row in the spreadsheet to a commitment ID in VETtrak. The status column will indicate which rows can be matched and have data imported or updated, and which ones cannot be matched. The imported payments can be viewed in the new Commitment info tab in the Enrolment wizard for NSW Smart and Skilled.
  5. Linking multiple enrolments to the same commitment ID. If you have a commitment ID in VETtrak, you can enter the same commitment ID on another enrolment. This will cause VETtrak to confirm that you want to link the enrolment to the existing commitment ID. Doing so will mean that that the data on the commitment info and eligibility tabs will be shared by all enrolments that have that same commitment ID, so changing commitment data on one enrolment with a commitment ID will affect all enrolments that share that same commitment ID. This is useful if you want to split the units for the same commitment ID across multiple enrolments for management purposes. You can unlink an enrolment from a commitment ID by clearing the commitment ID field.
  6. Unreportable result types for NSW Smart and Skilled. Generate State AVETMISS for NSW Smart and Skilled will no longer report units that have a result type that has "Report this result type in AVETMISS reports" unticked. Previously, such units were still reported with an empty outcome.
  7. Field availability. Each set of NSW Smart and Skilled commitment information is for an individual client. To avoid issues, VETtrak now enforces this by making the Commitment ID field and info/eligibility tabs unavailable when working with an occurrence or booking itself, editing an enrolment in a profile, or enrolling multiple clients at once.

AVETMISS changes

  1. Queensland changes.In Queensland, the following AVETMISS data changes have been made:
    1. A new funding source has been added: SQT - Certificate III Guarantee (Skilling Queenslanders for Work).
    2. Fee exemption codes E, F and L have been archived, and codes C and N have been renamed. If you need to use the old fee exemption codes, you can un-archive them in the Configuration Manager.
  2. State selection. A state field has been added to the Generate State AVETMISS wizard, allowing you to choose a different state to perform the AVETMISS generation for.
  3. Warn about incomplete result finishing in the past. The warning "The result is Result Not Available or Continuing but the finish date has passed" in Generate State AVETMISS in Victoria will now also be checked in all other states.
  4. Moving units between enrolments. An issue that could cause a "Cannot find any per unit or per enrolment pricing item entries for the type - (Tuition fee)" error in Generate AVETMISS in Victoria after moving units between enrolments has been fixed.
  5. Removed TQA export. The option to generate a TQA export in Tasmania has been removed, as it is no longer required.

User interface changes

  1. Tabs. Each open manager will now be shown as a tab along the top of the VETtrak screen, allowing you to more easily see what is open and switch between managers. All the right-click menu options to "view X in X manager" will open that record in a new tab. Note that you cannot have multiple managers open side-by-side when using tabs. You can turn off the tabs and return VETtrak back to how it used to work by unticking Global Preferences -> General Preferences -> Use tabbed MDI.
  2. Dashboard. The dashboard is now shown on its own tab which automatically opens when VETtrak is started, showing the news from the VETtrak website. Any manager you open will cover the dashboard entirely, so it no longer takes up screen space while you are working in another manager.
  3. Branding change. The VETtrak icons have been changed to reflect the new VETtrak branding.
  4. Funding source in Client Manager. The funding source displayed in the info panel in the Client Manager will now show the funding source from the client's latest state or nationally reportable enrolment, and will prefer showing the funding source from an active-status enrolment over a completed or cancelled enrolment.
  5. Division in Client Manager. If you are using divisions, the tree in the Client Manager will now show a node indicating the division the client is assigned to.
  6. On-the-fly buttons. On-the-fly buttons have been added to the Referral Source and Enrolment Type fields in the Enrolment wizard.
  7. Calendar Manager in Manage menu. The Calendar Manager now appears in the Manage menu.
  8. System Reports renamed to Standard Reports. System Reports have now been renamed to Standard Reports. The list of reports in here has been updated, some reports have been removed or moved to another category. If there is a report that you have used before that you cannot locate in the new list please contact the VETtrak support centre on 03 6333 0166.
  9. Ordering sent email in Employer Manager. The Sent Email node in the Employer Manager is now sorted by date.
  10. Version number in status bar. The VETtrak version number is now shown on the status bar near the bottom-right corner of the screen.
  11. Component updates. A number of VETtrak components have been updated, including the reporting engine and user interface components. Date pickers have been modernised.

Finance changes

  1. Duplicate funding model. A new right-click menu option has been added to Funding Models in the Configuration Manager, allowing you to duplicate a funding model (optionally in a different state).
  2. Dollars per unit point. A new "$ / unit point" calculation option has been added to funding models. This allows you to calculate unit amounts by multiplying the entered amount with the number of points assigned to the unit.
  3. Don't recalculate pricing for claimed units. A new "Recalculate pricing for units with a claim date" preference has been added to Global Preferences -> Result Unit and Award preferences. This is ticked by default, but if you untick it, VETtrak will no longer calculate pricing for units that have a claimed date recorded (whether you use the Calc button or the Recalculate Pricing Wizard to calculate prices). This provides an additional mechanism for "locking down" unit pricing. Claim dates can be entered or cleared in the Enrolment Results wizard (by ticking "show extra columns"), or set in bulk for completed units in a QLD AVETMISS generation by ticking "Set clam date for unclaimed units" in the Generate State AVETMISS wizard for QLD.
  4. Pop-out pricing item list. A pop-out button has been added to the top-right corner of the pricing page on the Enrolment wizard. This button will expand the size of the pricing grid.
  5. Totals in Invoice Schedule wizard. The Invoice Schedule wizard now displays the total amounts invoiced, scheduled and uninvoiced.
  6. Edit invoice schedule amounts. The Amount and GST columns can now be edited in the Invoice Schedule wizard for any uninvoiced pricing items.
  7. Amounts for "loose" inventory items on invoices. In the Invoice Item wizard, the Amount and GST columns have been swapped, and are now editable for "loose" inventory items added to the invoice.
  8. Apply correct loading when using the Calc button for a new QLD enrolment. An issue that can cause the Calc button on the pricing page of the Enrolment wizard to not apply the correct QLD location loading to calculated pricing when creating a new enrolment and changing the location has been fixed.
  9. Deleting adjustments. When an adjustment is deleted, the changes it made to the amounts of any pricing items will now be reversed, so you can do something else with the amounts.
  10. Default location for payments. The default location when adding a payment is now set correctly if the configured default location for payments is in a different state to what you are working in.
  11. Payment external identifier. A new External Identifier field has been added to the Payment wizard, allowing you to record an identifier for the payment (from a finance system for example).
  12. Payment wizard holding button. The button on the Payment wizard to get amounts out of holding is now labelled "Holding" instead of "...".
  13. Adding pricing items with an inactive ledger. In the pricing grid, if you add a pricing item that has a default ledger which has since been made inactive, VETtrak will show an error message.
  14. Changing ledger for invoiced prices. In the pricing grid, it is now possible to change the ledger code for pricing items that have been invoiced.
  15. Ordering units in pricing grid. The units in the pricing grid are now sorted by the unit's sequence numbers, if they have been specified in the Training Plan wizard.

Performance improvements

  1. Expanding occurrence enrolments. The performance of expanding a large list of occurrence enrolments in Firebird has been improved.
  2. Generating scheduled invoices. The performance of clicking the Search button when generating scheduled invoices has been improved.
  3. WA enrolment export. The performance of clicking the Search button in the WA Enrolment Export wizard has been improved.

Merge field changes

  1. Contact email address. A new ContactEmail merge field has been added to the Class, Occurrence Enrolment, Enrolment Pricing, Contract Pricing, Client Occurrence Enrolment Pricing and Employer Occurrence Enrolment Pricing contexts. This field produces the email address of the employer contact for the enrolment, occurrence or contract.
  2. Parent qualification. New ParentQualCode and ParentQualName merge fields have been added to the Occurrence Enrolment, Enrolment Pricing, Enrolled Unit Pricing, Contract Pricing, Client Occurrence Enrolment Pricing and Employer Occurrence Enrolment Pricing contexts. These fields will produce the "report this qualification as" code or name of the enrolment's or contract's qualification, or if none, the code or name of the enrolment's or contract's qualification.
  3. Using merge fields in hyperlinks. Merge fields used in hyperlink URLs in merge templates are now replaced correctly.

Other changes

  1. Update USI contact details. A new tickbox has been added to the last page of the Client Personal wizard to update the client's contact details in the USI register. This tickbox is disabled if the client doesn't have a verified USI. This tickbox is ticked by default only if you make a change to any of the applicable fields (home phone, mobile phone, email address, contact method or postal address), and you have ticked a new preference in Global Preferences -> Compliance preferences -> USI -> Send updated client contact details to the USI registrar. Note that the student needs to grant your organisation permission to update their details in their USI student portal for this function to work - VETtrak will inform you if you attempt an update for a student that has not granted you permission.
  2. Auto-numbering customisation. A new Autonumber tab has been added to Global Preferences -> General Preferences. This allows you to configure whether autonumber is on, and the prefix and number of digits to use when generating autonumbers, for clients, awards or invoices. This screen also allows you to set the next number to be used when autonumbering clients, awards or invoices - this must be used with care, as it is not possible to decrease the next number.
  3. Attendance notes. A new notes field has been added for attendances, which can be recorded when recording attendance or when right-clicking and editing attendance. Please note that attendance notes are currently not shown in the notes panel in the Programme Manager when a client in a class is selected.
  4. Export Booking Manager to Excel. A new Export button has been added to the Booking Manager, allowing you to export the contents of the grid to Excel.
  5. Built-in add-ons.To make distribution and updates easier, the following popular VETtrak add-ons are now included in the VETtrak product, and will be enabled if you have purchased them. If you have any of these add-ons, and no customisations, you will no longer need to perform a separate download and installation of extensions when updating VETtrak.
    • Client Importer/Updater
    • VET Fee Help
    • Tasks
    • FileTrak
    • FinPa LMS
    • Catapult LMS
    • Trainer Portal (configuration in VETtrak, not the trainer portal website)
    • Unit Result Importer
    • Management Structure
  6. GIF images in Organisation and Employer wizards. The image fields in the Organisation and Employer wizards now support GIF images, as well as PNG, JPEG, ICO, WMF and BMP.
  7. Merge notes. When merging clients or employers, any notes from the deleted client/employer will be copied to the bottom of the kept client's/employer's notes.
  8. 2016 public holidays. Public holidays for 2016 have been added.
  9. Qualification already awarded check. The "qualification already awarded" error that appears when trying to create a reportable certificate-type award for the same client, qualification and year as an existing certificate-type award will now not appear if the existing award is not reportable.
  10. VET Fee Help higher education providers. The list of higher education providers available in the Credit Higher Ed Provider Code field in the VET Fee Help Course of Study wizard has been updated.
  11. Enrol Clients in Occurrence wizard opening on wrong screen. An issue that can cause the Enrol Clients in Occurrence wizard to appear on the wrong screen when using multiple monitors has been fixed.
  12. Access violation in Waiter. An issue that could cause an Access Violation error in the Waiter when changing referral source has been fixed.
  13. Creating rooms from Class wizard. An issue that would cause the Location field on the Room wizard to not contain any options when creating a new room using the on-the-fly button from the Class wizard has been fixed.
  14. Editing placements in a profile. An issue that could cause a Database Login prompt to be displayed when editing a placement in a profile has been fixed.
  15. History dates for occurrence enrolments with default results. When creating an enrolment in an occurrence that has default results entered, the dates recorded in the result history will now be the dates the enrolment was created, and not the dates the default results were originally recorded in the occurrence.
  16. RTO for enrolment when using searches to select employers. When the "use searches when selecting employers" preference is on, the "RTO for enrolment" field in the Enrolment wizard will now use a search.
  17. Assigning Trainer Portal users in the Security Manager. A superfluous division warning message has been removed when assigning staff to Trainer Portal roles in the Security Manager. Assigning a staff member to a Trainer Portal role will automatically move them from any other Trainer Portal role they may already be in.
  18. Email confirmation report PDF export options. An issue that caused the PDF export dialog not to appear when exporting any report to PDF after using the "Email confirmation report" option has been fixed.
  19. Database error recording claimed date when auto element result is on. An issue that caused a database error in SQL Server to occur when recording a claimed date (but no result) in the Record Results wizard, when the "Auto element result" preference is on, has been fixed.
  20. Report this qualification as. When editing a qualification that has already been selected as the "report this qualification as" on a different qualification, the "report this qualification as" field will be disabled.

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