Testing your VETenrol setup

After completing the previous topics, it is recommended that you place a test registration to confirm the system is working and to familiarise yourself with VETenrol and any new adjustments to your process for completing an enrolment.

It is vital you understand and can recognise a valid VETenrol link.
It always contains ?clientID= with your organisation's client ID (VT-).

Remember, once a user visits a valid VETenrol link in a web browser, the address is replaced with a unique session ID that (for security and privacy) invalidates the link for all other users. Attempting to distribute a link with a session ID will result in an error.


The following check list can be used as a guide to test each course with occurrences published for online enrolment:

  • Check the occurrences are visible:
  • Confirm the correct details are displayed.
    Eg. Cost, pricing, vacancies.

NOTE: If you make changes to configuration settings in VETenrol Admin, you will need to completely close your browser and re-open your VETenrol link to see those changes.

Restart your Internet browser, then:

  • Check each link you intend to include on your organisation’s website to confirm it is working.
  • Place a test registration into one of your published occurrences.

After placing the registration:

  • Check you've received the email confirmation. If the setting is enabled,  you will also receive an RTO Notification to advise a new registration has been received in addition to the student's confirmation.
  • Review the registration in your VETenrol Admin.
  • Confirm the registration has come through to Web Enrolments in your VETtrak.

Continue to customise aspects VETenrol to suit your organisation until you are satisfied.

Cancel your test registration(s) from the VETenrol Admin (which will also delete the Web Enrolment) once you have finished. This will keep your registration list manageable, and avoid incurring charges for tests if your VETenrol plan has a per registration fee.

NOTE: A Status can be selected for registrations in VETenrol Admin, but these do not impact or have any effect on VETtrak. They are provided purely to manage the registration list.

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