USI Error Codes

If you have received an error message when attempting USI functions within VETtrak, you can identify further information and clarification by finding the specific error code within the message:

You can then look up additional information using our Error Code table below:

 USI System Outages Page

The USI government website has a USI System Outages page. We recommend reviewing this page as some of the errors you encounter in VETtrak may be related to this external service.

The USI contact number can be found under the Contact Us section of their Help page here. 

USI web service1001Service Unavailable [1001]: The service is currently not available.We recommend trying the service again later as it appears that the USI web service is not available.
USI web service1002Generic Validation [1002]: Organisation with OrgCode of … could not be found.The “National RTO ID” on page 1 of the Organisation Wizard is wrong, or does not exist on
USI web service1002Generic Validation [1002]: First Name in personal details does not match the Medicare Card.

The name entered in the Client Wizard is different to the name entered in the Identity Document Wizard to match the Medicare Card. Change the client's name in the Client Wizard to match that on the Medicare Card.

USI web service2002Organisation Failed Authorisation [2002]: The organisation was not verified as an authorised body/organisation in the system.The USI registrar was not able to match the “National RTO ID” on page 1 of the Organisation Wizard, and the ABN in the RAM notification or machine credential being used, to a single record on

This can also happen if your organisation has not signed up for access to the USI web services. The USI website has a page to sign up for the web services if needed.
USI web service2004Unverified Identity [2004]: The system could not verify the identity based on the supplied information.

The Document Verification Service was not able to verify the data in the client and client identity document used in the USI application. You will need to confirm the identity document details with the client, or collect and record a different client identity document and try the USI creation again.

NOTE RE MEDICARE CARDS: Name data held by Medicare can be inconsistent, particularly with regard to middle name (full middle name, middle initial, or no middle name), and the name stored in the Medicare database may not match that on the card. Use a trial and error method to find the correct combination, or try a different form of ID.

General2005Failed to create USI record, multiple existing records were found. [2005]

The USI registry has determined that the USI application is too similar to, but not exactly the same as, at least one existing USI record on the USI registry. The USI registry suspects that this person already has a USI, but for privacy reasons, the USI registry does not tell us what the existing USI is.

Contact the client to confirm their personal details and confirm that they don’t already have a USI, attempt to locate an existing USI by ticking the "Locate client's USI in the USI registry" tickbox on the last page of the Client Personal wizard, or contact the USI office for assistance.

USI web service2006DVS Service Unavailable [2006]: The system could not connect to the DVS service.The USI service was unable to connect to the Document Verification Service. Try again later.
USI web service2007Request No Is Not Unique [2007]

The USI web service has already received a batch with the same request number that VETtrak is using. This could be due to the VETtrak database having been restored to an earlier date, or another system (e.g. separate VETtrak database or SMS) submitting USI batches for the same organisation using the same numbers.

Please contact VETtrak Support noting that you are receiving this error for assistance.

Machine credential4699Unknown KeyStore exception

No valid device AUSkeys could be found in the selected key store file. Please select another one.

If your VETtrak is locally-installed, this means the file specified in the “specific key store file” field on page 2 of the Organisation Wizard has no active machine credentials in it. You may need to obtain a new machine credential from

For more information, refer to this article.

If you are hosted and receive this error, contact VETtrak Support.

General-The network name cannot be found

This usually occurs because you are attempting to use a machine credential file that does not exist or is not accessible. It may need to be moved to a place where all your VETtrak users can access it. Check the path to the machine credential file on the USI page in the Organisation wizard.

General-There was no endpoint listening at … that could accept the message.This message could mean that the service is down or a firewall is blocking this connection. This could also be caused by a proxy server, you may need to ask your IT to fill in the details in ‘Gateway and Proxy’ setting under ‘File – Global Preferences’ in VETtrak.
GeneralAn unsecured or incorrectly secured fault was received from the other party. See the inner FaultException for the fault code and detail.

(TimeSpan timeout) is mentioned a great deal.

One possible cause of this error is if there is too much of a difference between your local computer's time and the server time.

Check whether the time-zone, date and time on your local computer (that you are running VETtrak on) is correct.

GeneralThe requested security protocol is not supported.

The USI office has flagged that they will only support the use of TLS 1.2 for the USI web services due to security concerns.

This requires an installation of the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5, available to users on Windows Vista (Service Pack 2), Windows 7 (Service Pack 1) or Windows Server 2008 SP2.

VETtrak USI errorE2015Business User Credential expired on [XX/XX/2016 X:28:59 AM].Event Code: [E2015]. 

If your VETtrak is locally-installed, this error means that the machine credential currently in use within your VETtrak system has expired. To amend this, you will need to visit in order to renew your machine credential. For more information, refer to this article.

If you are hosted and receive this error, contact VETtrak Support.


VETtrak USI errorE2169Error: An unsecured or incorrectly secured fault was received from the other party. See the inner FaultException for the code and detail. 

The extended error message for this item will mention the following:

Event Description: The credential supplied by the initiating party is not recognised.

User Advice: [Advise business user the certificate cannot be used for the service. A recognised certificate will be required.].

In some cases, this can mean your Machine Credential may have expired, or the file itself has been edited in some way to no longer be recognised as a Machine Credential. Retrieve a new Machine Credential to solve.

To amend this, you will need to visit in order to renew your machine credential. For more information, refer to this article.

If you are hosted and receive this error, contact VETtrak Support.


VETtrak USI errorE9008Delegation error. Event Code: [E9008]. Event Severity: [Normal]. Event Description: [The security token could not be authenticated or authorized for the delegation.]. User Advice: [Advise business user the service is unable to authenticate the request for this supplied delegation.].

If you are hosted, this means that RAM does not contain a current notification for the information provided by VETtrak. Check that:

  • Your ABN has a current active notification in RAM ( for provider ABN 92083795500 (VETtrak) and agency "Office of the Student Identifiers Registrar"
  • The ABN that your RAM notification is for matches the ABN in the Organisation wizard and the ABN of your RTO on
  • The Software ID on your RAM notification matches the one shown in Global Preferences -> Compliance Preferences -> USI CAA tab

The HTTP request is unauthorized with client authentication scheme 'Anonymous'. The Authentication header received from the server was ''.
This error indicates that your Machine Credential has expired, you will need to renew the machine credential by following the outlined process here

If you are hosted and receive this error, contact VETtrak Support.

Machine Credential4604Provided parameter Alias was not found in KeyStore [4604].If your VETtrak is locally-installed, make sure that you select to Open selected key store after selecting the key store (.xml) file, and click the Check button for the Machine credential for organisation and Credential Password.
VETtrak USI error-The specified request failed. Event Code: [E2003] Event Severity: [Normal]. Event Description: [The relying party specified in the AppliesTo element is not recognized.]Update VETtrak to the latest version.

The USI web service URL may need to be updated. Within VETtrak Go to File - Global Preferences - Compliance Preferences - USI and click the Reset button, click Finish on this wizard to save the change.


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