Notifications in the web Portals


Notifications enable some cross portal notice of activities, such as file upload, to a portal user.  A new notification badge with a count of the unread notifications is shown next to the logged in user name, allowing quick access to sent notifications as they arrive.

Example: A student uploading a file in the student portal will automatically notify enrolment staff, based on preference configuration and the notice will appear in the trainer portal.   The trainer will be able to see the notification of the file upload and selecting the notice hyperlink will take them to view the file uploaded by the student.  The notification process will also occur in the reverse direction, should the trainer upload a file for a student.  In addition to the notification function, the notice may be optionally emailed based on global preferences, in conjunction with the users individual notification settings.

Users of the portal may configure their individual notification preference for each notification type from within their respective portal, via the Notification Settings page.

VETtrak changes

  • Compatible with VETtrak version or later.

VETtrak Portal Preferences (VETtrak version 23.1)

Includes portal settings which has no impact on notification.

Enable notification emails:

  • Enable notifications to be sent via email in addition to appearing on the relevant portal.
    Note:  Sending email notifications will have an impact on the performance of portals and VETtrak desktop due to the processing time to send out emails.
  • Enter an email address that the notification will be sent from. This address must have the rights to send mail through the mail server setup in Email Preferences. Note: 19.2 onwards: If your global email settings has the option "Use individual staff member email logins" ticked.  Use the staff selector to choose a staff member to use as the notification email from address.

Notifications tab:

  • When students upload documents through the Student Portal, you can decide which Staff Types, recorded against the Students enrolment, will be sent the notification. For example, in the above example - assuming an Administration officer, a Trainer, and a Supervisor are all allocated to the enrolment - only the Supervisor and Trainer would receive a notification stating that a new file had been uploaded.
  • When a trainer uploads a non-distributed file against and enrolled unit or task, the enrolled student will receive the notification in the Student Portal and optionally by email.

Settings tab:

  • Not related to the notification process.
  • Settings relating to the time out of portal sessions and document preview capability.

Templates tab:

  • As of VETtrak version 23.1 or greater a new templates tab has been introduced to allow customisation of the notification message sent to the relevant portal receipient.
  • Click on the Info item against the row/record to view brief details of the notification type.
  • Click on the Template item to make changes to the template text.

    Note: You are limitted up to 1000 characters for the notification. Inclussion of variable text (enclosed in "{ }") may impact the text length. In which case the message will be truncated at 1000 characters.
    Adding your own variables outside of those included is not possible via this template.  You may choose not to include all or some of the provided variables.  Variables provided must match exactly in order for the relevant substitution to occur.  Non exact matching variables will output on the notification as appearing on the template.
  • Click on the Reset column row to set the notification back to its original default template.

Notifications in the portals

Note: All screenshots shown are from the Student Portal, however the terminology used is the same across both portals.

Notification badge:

  • The new notification badge is located next to the logged in as name. Clicking on the badge will bring up a list of the most recent non dismissed notifications.

  • Click on the message to bring up the resource from the message.
  • To dismiss a notification click on the cross located to the right of the message.

Notification Settings (from portal):

  • Notification settings for the portal user is accessible from clicking on the "Notification settings" link from within the notification badge popup menu.
  • The portal user can switch off notifications and emails via this settings modal window.  Toggle on or off the Notify and Email checkbox. Note: Notify unchecked will also switch off the email function.


  • Notifications on this page are displayed in a "paged" table. Use the page number to navigate between pages.

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