
Specialisations are used to categorise a specialisation stream of an existing Qualification.

This is specifically used alongside a qualification to report that a student has achieved a specialised stream of that qualification.

An example:

  • A student is enrolled in and completes a Diploma of Information Technology (ICT50220)
  • They are specifically interested in the gaming specialisation of this item, and complete additional subjects to recognise this.
  • This then allows them to work towards a recognition of achievement of ICT50220: Diploma of Information Technology Program (Game Programming)

Specialisations can be uniquely linked within the following wizards:

To manage Specialisations, open the Configuration Manager by choosing ManageConfiguration from the menu. The Configuration Manager displays an alphabetically ordered explorer tree.


Adding a new specialisation

  • Right-click Specialisations and choose Add specialisation.

This will open the Specialisations Wizard:

  • Enter a Name for the specialisation. This will be used to communicate the particular branch/stream that is intended for use.
  • This specialisation is archived indicates if the specialisations should be archived. If ticked, the Specialisations will be added/moved to the Archived specialisations branch.
  • Optionally provide a Description for the specialisation.
  • Click Next and then Finish.


Editing an existing specialisation

  • Expand Specialisations.
  • Right-click the specialisation and choose Edit specialisations.

This will open the Specialisations Wizard, where you can make changes.


Deleting a specialisation

  • Expand Specialisations.
  • Right-click the specialisation and choose Delete specialisation.
  • Click Yes when asked to confirm the delete.

If an error occurs, the Specialisation has likely been used previously and is included in historical data. In this case, you will need to archive the item to remove it from active use.


Viewing the specialisations report

  • Right-click Specialisation and choose Show Specialisations report.

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