National AVETMISS Reporting Starter Pack

Welcome to our National AVETMISS Reporting Starter Pack! If you're navigating the intricacies of AVETMISS (Australian Vocational Education and Training Management Information and Statistical Standard) reporting, you're in the right place. In this guide, we'll provide you with essential steps and insights to streamline your data reporting process. Let's dive in and ensure your AVETMISS reporting journey is smooth and successful.

Helpful Resources

  • VETtrak Government Reporting Knowledge Base Articles: We encourage you to explore our comprehensive Knowledge Base articles to enhance your understanding of VETtrak's AVETMISS reporting capabilities. Our dedicated team has diligently updated and refined this content to ensure its relevance and usefulness to you! 

  • NCVER AVETMISS Validation Software (AVS): If you are unsure where to upload your National AVETMISS files once you’ve exported them from VETtrak, this is the place! 

  • VETtrak’s NCVER AVS Integration: We demonstrated uploading your AVETMISS files through NCVER AVS, however, we highly recommend using our integration for a more seamless experience. 

  • Extend Unit Dates: Do you have many units with Continuing results ending this year but don’t want to edit the finish dates one by one? Then this is the tool for you! Update some or all of these units at once with the Extend Unit Dates Wizard. 

  • RTO Fact Sheets: New to AVETMISS reporting or just want to brush up on your understanding? This NCVER page provides a fantastic breakdown of all the information you need to help you understand your AVETMISS reporting obligations as a Registered Training Organisation. 

  • AVETMISS Data Element Definitions: Struggling to understand all the AVETMISS jargon showing up in your error report? This document from NCVER details each AVETMISS field that is included in your NAT files and describes every available option. We suggest opening this document and using the “control-find” (hold Ctrl and press F on your keyboard) to search for the name of the field you’re stuck on. 

Q: I have a client who is refusing to give his street address and only wants to provide his email address. How can I fix this?
A: On the Address page of the Client Personal Wizard VETtrak has a check box labelled “Usual address is not specified” which will populate the address fields with “not specified”.
Page 2 of the “Collecting and reporting client details” document on the NCVER RTO Fact Sheets page describes that this is how the data should be reported in your NAT00080 file if the client has not provided their address details. 

Q: We have students for whom we have not received their USI, or have mismatched name errors, how do we remove these errors to save the NAT files?
A: The USI is a mandatory field for AVETMISS reporting unless the client has a specific USI exemption granted by the USI scheme. We recommend first trying to contact the student to verify their details and enter them into VETtrak. If this is not possible there is a Find a Student USI page on the USI website that may be able to assist you with retrieving their student’s USI.

If you cannot retrieve the student’s USI through these means please contact the USI office to understand how you can report this data. Once you understand how you need to report this data you can contact VETtrak Support at or 1800 VETTRAK for assistance using VETtrak to achieve this.

Q: When amending the Continuing results using the Extend Unit End Dates (bulk) wizard, what date range do you enter to fix this?
A: Within the Extend Unit Dates Wizard we suggest that you set the Finishing on/before to the end of the calendar year (31/12/2023), this will capture any units that could cause errors for having a Continuing result with finish dates in the current calendar year.

Q: We do our SVTS uploads each month for all our enrolments. Do we need to do a separate one for NCVER?  
A: If you have a contract with Skills Victoria, their SVTS portal will accept both Funded and Fee-For-Service data. Therefore, if you have been reporting all of your training data, including Fee-For-Service data, to Skills Victoria, then you don’t need to report this to NCVER as well.

If you deliver Fee-For-Service training and you are unsure whether you have been including this in your SVTS uploads, edit some of your Fee-For-Service enrolments and check the Reportability Options on the first page of the Enrolment Wizard. This should give you an indication as to whether this data has been recorded for State or National reporting. If it’s set up for National reporting, you may need to report this data to NCVER. 

Q: We offer single units as courses. Will these pop up as errors?
A: Only if you have populated the “Qualification” field on the first page of the Enrolment Wizard. This field is labelled “Training Package Qualification” or “All Courses” depending on what you have chosen on this first page of the Enrolment Wizard.
Single-unit courses are intended to report the Unit of Competency as “stand-alone” meaning the student is note not completing this unit as part of a larger qualification or course.

Some of our customers populate this field in VETtrak for a specific purpose, such as for third-party API integrations with external software or for the data to appear in custom reports. This is okay, provided this specific piece of data is not included in the AVETMISS generation alongside the rest of the enrolled unit data.

To resolve this, within VETtrak go to Manage - Qualifications, find and edit the qualification/course and on the second page of the Qualification/Course Wizard check the Report Enrolments as Subject Only box. Please note that this check box affects government reporting and VETtrak has an info link directly under this check box that describes what this check box does in full detail. Please read this information window to fully understand what this does before checking it. If you have read this and you are still unsure whether you should be using this feature please contact the VETtrak Support team at or 1800 VETTRAK and one of our Support Officers can help. 

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