Custom Form Alerts

VETenrol Admin Config Card for Preferences Custom Forms is a section of the Email Alerts page, which is accessed from the VETenrol Admin Configuration (VETenrol Admin Icon Config) page via the link under VETenrol Admin Preferences.

The settings in this section relate to email notifications to staff for when a custom form is completed. This section will only be visible if a Products API URL has been entered to activate the Custom Form features for your VETenrol account.

New Custom Form Alerts

VETenrol Admin Email Alerts page Custom Form section

  • The alert is toggled on (Icon Checkbox On) or off (Icon Checkbox Off) using the Receive new custom form completion alerts checkbox.
  • Specify the email address where notifications are to be sent in the Addresses field.
    • The field will be disabled if the Receive new custom form completion alerts checkbox is unticked.
    • If you would like to have alerts sent to multiple email addresses, separate each address with a semi-colon.
  • For customised message content, enter it into Body, otherwise leave this blank to use the default message.
    • Type plain text or html directly into the field, or alternatively click VETenrol Admin Pencil icon to open the Editor where text can be entered and formatted. Click Apply and the resulting html will be inserted into the field.
  • Commit changes to this section by clicking the Save button for the page.

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