VETembark – Starter Pack

VETembark is a web-based system designed to help manage opportunities, inbound communications, and internal workflows – all within a simple interface.

Helpful Resources

Here is some additional reading on this topic:

Q. Can I try VETenrol for myself prior to purchasing? 

A. Absolutely! To see if VETembark can help streamline your pre-enrolment and RTO processes, we offer a 30-day unlimited trial of the product. Please reach out via this form to request your trial.

Q. Is VETembark only available for Hosted clients?

A. Yes. VETembark is integrated with VETtrak and uses API technology to push data between platforms. Because of this, locally hosted systems are not supported with VETembark.


Q. What is the VETembark user licensing model?

A. Post trial, VETembark is accessed via subscription to a named user license.  

  • VETtrak Enterprise Plus clients - VETtrak Enterprise Plus clients have 2x VETembark named user licenses per VETtrak named user license they are subscribed to.
  • VETtrak Enterprise clients – VETtrak Enterprise clients can purchase a user license subscription to access VETembark.
  • VETtrak Professional clients – VETtrak Professional clients will need to upgrade to the Enterprise tier to access the API to be eligible to access VETembark. After upgrading to Enterprise, a VETembark user license subscription can be purchased to access VETembark.

    For more information on VETtrak subscription levels, check out our VETtrak feature matrix.

Q. Can I only use VETembark for pre-enrolment processes? 

A. VETembark has been designed to be as simple and as flexible as possible, extending its use cases far beyond the pre-enrolment processes. For any RTO process where there’s a dialogue of conversation and a requirement for centralised records to be maintained, a Work Item process can be implemented with VETembark.  

Some example use cases outside of pre-enrolment could include a Complaints Register, Lead Tracking, Appeals, Continuous Improvement Registers, and more. 

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