Education eLearn


We offer a collection of self-paced eLearning courses that are free for you or your team members to register for, especially those new to VETtrak. These courses cover key foundational and advanced aspects of the system. 


Our current offerings are: 

  1. VETtrak Academy - Foundation
    This eLearn provides an introduction to VETtrak, covering the basics of the system from setup to day-to-day use.
    Click Here is the Link to find out more and Register

  2. VETtrak Academy - Advanced
    The VETtrak Academy advanced eLearn is designed to help you delve deeper into the product by exploring more advanced topics. This course will expand your knowledge and enable you to use more of the system's functionality.
    Click Here is the Link to find out more and Register

  3. VETtrak Administrator Essentials
    This eLearn is designed to provide VETtrak users with in-depth knowledge of the Configuration, Qualification, and Security Manager within VETtrak. It is best suited for system administrators who are responsible for configuring the system, rather than staff focusing on day-to-day operations.
    Click Here is the Link to find out more and Register

  4. VETtrak User Essentials
    VETtrak User Essentials is designed to help new VETtrak users gain the knowledge needed to manage day-to-day tasks within VETtrak for the purpose of managing student learning. This course covers all the fundamentals and will provide you with a solid understanding of the basics of the product.
    Click Here is the Link to find out more and Register

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Additional Training

There are a range of paid consultation options available to choose from you can learn more about these here

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