VETtrak 24.4 Release Notes - 30/9/2024 (updated 15/10/2024)


VETtrak Desktop 24.4.0

Version released Sep 30, 2024.

We are pleased to deliver our VETtrak 24.4 update and we hope that there will be something in it for everyone. There are also some important industry and compliance changes as well.

Industry changes

Google Workspaces implementation of App Passwords

We are aware that from 30th September the Google Workspaces platform will require applications like VETtrak sending email via SMTP to use an App Password for authentication. This means if you use Gmail, specifically through Google Workspaces you will be impacted. For more information about these changes please read the Google here. We also have some information available in this Cloud Service Email Settings support centre article.

SMS Sender ID's

We advised in May about Impending changes to SMS messaging using Sender ID's. That time has almost arrived and from from late October you can no longer use a text SMS Sender ID unless it has been preregistered through ACMA. The approval process is still being finalised and we will update this article once that information becomes available. We have updated some functionality within VETtrak to support these changes.

Configuration manager - SMS Senders. SMS Senders (names and numbers) can now be configured in the configuration manager. The list of SMS Senders is prepopulated with Sender names that have been used since the beginning of 2023. SMS senders are selectable in the SMS wizard as the `Sender name or return no.`. Custom values can still be entered. This change encourages using approved sender names to ensure the delivery of text messages sent from VETtrak.

On migration to 24.4 VETtrak will prepopulate the list with any names that have been given the current transitional phase approval. Please note these will require specific approval once the full changes come into effect, updates in this article.

SMS Wizard

The SMS wizard will now only allow configured Sender ID's or numbers to be used in the Sender name or return no field.


Email enhancements

Email merge templates. In the Email Type Merge Template wizard, it is now possible to configure recipient. type defaults (both 'use' and 'Send to') for each recipient type in the template's context. 

When crafting an email, if you select a template, the recipient types will be automatically populated from the template's default recipient types (with `use` and `send option` options).

Users can still customise settings for recipient types and recipients in each email if required,.

Email wizard - bulk select recipients. In the email wizard it is now possible to bulk select recipients using the select dropdown. Options include: All, None, Invert (inverts the current selection), Primary emails only, and Secondary emails only.

Email wizard - Validated recipient emails. The email wizard now validates the email address of all selected recipients. This prevents attempting to send emails to recipients with empty or invalid emails. 

Employer contact CC and BCC emails. An issue preventing CC and BCC emails sent to an employer contact from appearing in employer manager has been fixed. 

Privacy and Security

To further limit the exposure of sensitive data including PII, and to comply with legal, statutory, regulatory, and contractual requirements we have implemented a number of Privacy and Security enhancements.

Hide sensitive data. A new feature to hide sensitive data throughout VETtrak has been added. If data is being hidden it can be revealed by clicking the field or the show data eye ( button. By default VETtrak hides sensitive data such as addresses, email addresses, phone and mobile numbers, usernames, dates of birth, ages, and USI when editing or viewing records. This can be disabled per role by turning off the new `Hide Sensitive Data` security entity (Manager -> Security -> Application/Role management -> VETtrak -> Role -> Security -> Security -> Hide Sensitive Data).

Custom field encryption. Added a new `Encrypt` option to single and multi-line free text custom fields. This option should be used to secure sensitive data being entered into custom fields. Custom fields with the encrypt option enabled have their values encrypted when stored. Encrypted custom fields will also be hidden when viewing a record if using the new hide sensitive data feature. Also, encrypted custom fields cannot be used as match criteria in importers or Data Insights. 

NOTE: For those of you who have Custom Reports that use custom fields, there may be a need to submit your report for updating with this new functionality.

Customisable client details. It is now possible to customise the client details panel in the client manager. Click `Edit layout` to begin customising. Drag fields between the `Layout Tree View` and `Available Items` to add or remove fields. Reorder fields or right-click to access additional layout options. Additionally, while editing, you can left-click, right-click, or drag a field in the client details panel to interact with its layout directly. To persist your layout click `Save layout`. To revert your layout click `Reset client details layout`. Clearing your client manager layout with `Clear layout` will also restore the default client details layout.
New fields available in the client details panel:
  • Code
  • Division
  • Staff flag
  • External staff flag
  • Web publish / Privacy release signed
  • Status
  • Referral source
  • Credit terms
  • Former surname
  • Town/City of Birth
  • STA Client No. (label changes depending on the active state)
  • Contact Method
  • FAX *
  • Survey contact status
  • Exclude from marketing email/SMS
  • Email both primary and secondary addresses
  • SMS both primary and secondary mobiles
  • Image two
  • Relationships
  • Emergency contact 
  • Visa * 
  • Passport * 
  • job seeker ID * 
  • CRN *
  • Groups
  • Citizenship
  • Employment (All active)
  • External codes (All active)
  • LMS identifiers (All active)
Note: Fields marked with * above are concealed when hiding sensitive data.

Link Occurrence Units and Classes wizard. Changes have been made to the user interface to attempt to make the wizard easier to use when large numbers of classes and/or units are involved. Changes include:

  • Highlighting the row and column of the cell under the cursor 
  • Highlighting of changed cells.
  • Filtering of classes
  • Clicking unit header to (un)select all, only touches visible (filtered) rows

Compliance changes

Victoria attended hours reporting. Changes have been made to allow Attended Hours to be reported for outcome 41 "Incomplete due to RTO closure" and 82 "Non-assessable activity - withdrawn or not satisfactorily completed" units in the NAT120 file in VIC. You can now record the "Incomplete due to RTO closure" and "Non-assessable activity - withdrawn or not satisfactorily completed" results just like a Withdrawn result, which gives you the opportunity to enter the actual hours to be reported. This is an extension of the changes made in for outcome 61 "Superseded subject". See here for more details.

NT school type. The "School type" field has been made available in the Enrolment wizard for NT. This is only available and mandatory for enrolments continuing into 2024 that have "VET in Schools" ticked. This will be reported as the "School type identifier" in the NAT120 file in NT AVETMISS 8 generations. 

2025 Holidays. The holiday calendar has been updated with the 2025 National and State level Public holidays. 

USI Verification status: The list of statuses has been expanded to now show whether a mismatched name is mismatched on surname, given name or both. 

Phone number area code plus `+`. VETtrak now allows the entry of a leading plus `+` for Home phone, Work phone, and Mobile phone (primary and secondary). `+61` is substituted with `0` in the NAT85 file in AVETMISS8 generations. This was implemented to allow Overseas mobile numbers to be saved in a format suitable for SMS messaging international mobile numbers. 

LMS changes

LMS Integrations - Remove enrolment options. VETtrak now presents options regarding what to do with linked LMS enrolments when removing the LMS enrolment link in VETtrak. These options appear when:

  • Using the `Remove enrolment from LMS...` menu
  • After transferring a VETtrak enrolment via the Transfer enrolment wizard
  • After deleting a VETtrak enrolment

Applicable LMS integrations and options:

  • Moodle
    • Do nothing
    • Unenrol
  • Canvas
    • Do nothing
    • Remove from course
  • ReadyLMS (formally aNewSpring)
    • Do nothing
    • Unenrol
    • Expire
  • ReadySkills(formally MyProfiling)
    • Do nothing
    • Archive user

LMS Integration - Remove enrolment default option. A default option can be configured for each of the aforementioned LMS integrations on the first page of the LMS Integration Configuration Wizard.

Moodle LMS - Unlink enrolments. When linking an occurrence to a new Moodle course any previously exported enrolments will unlink and require re-exporting. This change helps to prevent enrolments remaining linked to a deleted Moodle course and avoids errors when transferring results. 

Tree filters. The ability to filter trees has been extended to the following places:
  • Client manager
  • Employer manager
  • Programme manager
  • Self-service reports
  • Standard reports
  • Security manager
  • Staff manager

Client event notification. The VETtrak desktop `Client event assigned` notification has been adjusted so that the format of the merge fields aligns with the notification produced by the trainer portal. 

Course of study profile wizard. An issue causing the edge of the Course of study profile wizard to be cut off has been fixed. 

Profile documents. Documents attached to profiles (enrolment, contract, or course of study) are now copied to the new enrolments when enrolling clients. Note that documents are NOT copied when creating a profile from an existing enrolment.

MYOB Integration - Invalid state. An MYOB change causing an invalid state error during login to MYOB has been resolved.

LLN Robot Integration - Learner reports. An issue downloading the learner report or learner summary report from LLN Robot when not using VETtrak document storage has been fixed. These reports can be download directly from LLN Robot if you do not use VETtrak document storage. 

UI Enhancements: We have continued to implement scaling and display enhancements to various Configuration and Compliance wizards.

Bug fixes

  • Selected item - Documents tab reloading. An issue causing the documents of the selected item to unnecessarily reload every time the same item is selected has been fixed.
  • Employer manager - Tab showing double ampersand (&). An issue causing employers with a single ampersand (&) in their name to appear twice (&&) in the Employer manager tab has been resolved. 
  • Custom fields - ampersand (&) in name. An issue causing ampersands (&) to disappear and underscore the next letter in the name of custom fields has been resolved. 
  • Tree Menu/Application key. An issue preventing tree right-click menus from appearing when pressing the menu () or application key has been resolved. 
  • Tree filter - No items found. An issue that would sometimes cause a `No items found` item to appear when expending a tree item whilst filtering has been fixed. 
  • Email preferences - OAuth 2.0. An issue in the Email preferences that could cause the Authentication type to revert to `Not required` when using `OAuth 2.0` has been resolved. 

Public API

Public API 24.4.0

Compatibility release for VETtrak 24.4.0

Version released Sep 30, 2024.


Some of these changes may be breaking changes if you are using a generated SOAP client. You may need to re-generate your client.

Added functions

  • GetClientEmploymentHistory
  • GetStaffTypesForClient
  • UpdateStaffTypesForClient

Updated Classes

  • TWebe - Added fields 
    • USI Validation, add new indicators

VTDocs Portal

VTDocs Portal 24.4.0

Compatibility release for VETtrak

Version released Sep 30, 2024.

Progress Portal

Progress Portal 24.4.0

Compatibility release for VETtrak 24.4.0

Version released Sep 30, 2024.

Student Portal

Student Portal 24.4.0

Compatibility release for VETtrak 24.4.0

Version released Sep 30, 2024.

  • Bug fixes

    • Fixed issue where help would not show consistently on all widgets if toggled while widgets were loading.
    • Text for help toggle buttons now updates depending on whether help is currently showing or not.

    • Fixed issue where remote attendance open hours after class end was not being enforced.

Trainer Portal

Trainer Portal 24.4.2

Version released Oct 15, 2024.

  • Security update
    • Third party library vulnerability updated.
  • Bug Fixes
    • Enrolment Tasks. Fixed an issue where QA items in progress were not displaying.
    • Dashboard recent clients. Recently viewed clients were not always appearing in the limited list.

Trainer Portal 24.4.1

Version released Oct 7, 2024.

  • Enhancements
    • Enrolment Tasks. Improved performance of navigating between pages of enrolment tasks.
  • Bug Fixes
    • Enrolment Tasks. Fixed an issue that would prevent updating an enrolment task status to Complete.

Trainer Portal 24.4.0

Compatibility release for VETtrak 24.4.0

Version released Sep 30, 2024.

  • Enhancements
    • New Unit resulting and Task resulting Wizards. Unit resulting and Task resulting have been updated to wizards that allow users to upload a file and record signatures in the same process if desired, which will be included in the QA item if enabled.
      NOTE this is a VETtrak Hosted Only feature at this time as these wizards have a dependency on the S3 storage functionality available in hosting.

      Unit Result step

File upload step

Signature step

Successful submission

Partial success

Task Result

Fully Successful Enrolment Task Result Submission

  • SMS Sender ID changes. We have implemented a change for the SMS Sending functionality to restrict SMS messages to only use active SMS Sender Id that have been configured in VETtrak, or a standard mobile phone number.  


VETenrol 24.4.2

Version released Oct 9, 2024.

  • Bug fixes

    • Employer - auto complete. We resolved an issue where the Admin setting for VETtrak employers auto-complete option was being ignored and always on.
    • Mail alerts. We resolved an issue where the Exclude signatures from attachments was being ignored for U18 Enrolments and Group Bookings
    • Linked Occurrences. We implemented some improvements to the way Linked Occurrences identified occurrences worked with a course that started in the past, without having to use the Show All Programmes feature. 

VETenrol 24.4.1

Version released Oct 1, 2024.

  • Bug fixes

    • Custom Questions. We have fixed an issue with Radio questions in custom question sets not saving with the Save for Later feature.
    • Admin - Accounts. Corrected Instagram typo for the Account page of Admin. 
    • Admin - LLN Config. We have fixed a MySql error on saving edits or newly created LLN Questions in Admin. 
    • Admin - View Registration. We have fixed an Admin error for viewing registration details for users assigned the VETenrol registrations only role. 

VETenrol 24.4.0

Version released Sep 23, 2024.

  • Enhancements
    • Database update: We have upgraded the database platform to MySQL 8.
    • Security and componentry: We have updated and patched key components used in the VETenrol Front end and Admin applications.
  • Bug fixes

    • Occurrence settings with c/kalendars: We have tightened the behaviour of the Calendar/Kalendar pages to better match the options selected in Occurrence Details in configuration.

    • Award Verification: Fixed an issue where the family name placeholder missing if single name is removed

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