Programme Manager Overview

To open the Programme Manager, choose Manage > Programmes from the menu, or press F9 on the keyboard. Clicking the  icon on the toolbar, or from the Dashboard will also open the Programme Manager. Your created Occurrences will display here in the left hand panel.

Parts of this functionality has been implemented in the VETtrak 2018 version release (Version: 18.3)

The Programme manager consists of the following (as per the default layout):

  • Programmes and occurrences section.
    The main content area displays Occurrence information from the VETtrak database.
    • The date range controls the time period that will be viewed. The default range can be set in global preferences.
    • Tabs to choose whether the displayed details appear in Gantt View or List View

  • In Gannt View:

    • The left section shows Programmes that have occurrences that meet the date range. Click  to expand a Programme. This will list the individual occurrences that span, start within or end within the date range.
    • Occurrences are displayed as coloured bars that span the days of the occurrence. The bar colour is determined in the Occurrence Wizard.
    • A selected occurrence will turn red.
  • In List View

      • The section will list the individual occurrences that span, start within or end within the date range.
        You can make use of sorting options by dragging and dropping headings in the gray bar to categorise your data:

      • The selected occurrence will be highlighted blue.
  • There are also additional controls at the bottom of this section:
    • The resize bar will adjust the width of the area reserved for the Programme name (staff, Employer or Room name depending on Display mode).
    • The time scale can be changed between Week or Month. The default choice can be set in global preferences.
  • Selected Occurrence Details.
    Shows occurrence information in an explorer tree.
  • Notes.
    This section in the side-pane will display any relevant notes for the selected item. New notes can be added by clicking Save.
  • File Note Feed shows details of any File Notes recorded for the selected item.
    • The Add button will open the File Note Wizette.
    • The Report button will allow you to run a report showing the File Notes for this item.
    • The Filters allows you to choose a specific File Note Type to display. When a filter is selected only File Notes of that type will show in the log. You can also use the Comment field to filter within the File Notes body of text. Click the [X] button to remove the current filtering.
    • File Notes will display in individual panels, with options on each to View additional information, Edit the File Note, or Delete that File Note record.
  • Filter Options.
    Mouse over the filter icons to show the options for each one, moving the mouse away from the area where the filter options are shown will cause them to close. Left-click an icon to keep the filter options open and close them with another click outside the filter's display area.
    • Display mode. Choose to display by Programme (default), staff, room or employer.

      Filtering is by whole occurrence and not individual classes, which is important to note for Staff and Room options. For example: If an occurrence has multiple classes with different staff members assigned, that whole occurrence will show for each staff member referenced (including classes not assigned to the selected staff member). The same applies for rooms.

    • State filter. Tick Filter by location to enable the filter, then use the tree to enable specific states and/or locations.
    • Prog type. Tick Filter by prog type to enable the filter, then use the tree to enable specific Programme types.
    • Search. Enter an occurrence ID or occurrence short code an click the Search button. If a matching occurrence exists, it will be selected automatically.
    • Status filter. Tick Filter by status to enable the filter, then use the tree to select the relevant statuses (Active, Completed, Cancelled). This applies to the Enrolment status set for the occurrence, not individual enrolments.
  • Click the Save filters button to keep the currently selected filters so that they will be reapplied whenever the Programme Manager is opened.


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