Programme Preferences

Choose File > Global Preferences.

Select Programme preferences from the Preference items list. The Display tab will already be chosen:

The Programme preference settings are:


Gantt display mode

This will set the default display mode for the Programme Manager to be in Weeks or Months.

The display can still be changed manually as desired, from the Programme manager.

Note: Changes to this setting will not apply to any open instances of the Programme Manager. If Allow multiple copies of manager windows is NOT enabled, it will be necessary to close the Programme tab and then re-open the Programme Manager.


Gantt date range

This preference is for the default date range for the chart to span.

  • Current month will span from the first to the last day of the current month.
  • Current Year will span from January to December of the current year.
  • Month range (from the current month) allows you to specify the date range by setting the number of months Before and After the current month to include in the range.

The following screenshot depicts the month range set to 1 before and 3 after:

Note:  Changes to this setting will not apply to any open instances of the Programme Manager. If Allow multiple copies of manager windows is NOT enabled, it will be necessary to close the Programme tab and then re-open the Programme Manager.


Use date range for enrolments in occurrences

This preference will limit the listed enrolments in a selected occurrence to those that fall within the date range of the Gantt chart.

Enabling this is useful if you have long-running occurrences where clients are enrolled for only a part of the occurrence duration. Then only Enrollments relevant to the specified date range will be displayed while those that have elapsed or have yet to start are hidden.


Show Archived Programmes in the Programme Manager

If enabled, this preference will include occurrences for archived Programmes in the Gantt chart. Archived Programmes are indicated by appending (Inactive) to the end of the Programme name.



Group location filter by

If enabled, this preference will change the the location filter in the Programme Manager and Calendar Manager to show the locations grouped by region instead of state.

this will set the Default Occurrence search within the Programme Manager to either one of:

  • ID
  • Code
  • Advanced


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