
Open the Configuration Manager by choosing Manage > Configuration from the menu. The Configuration Manager displays an alphabetically ordered explorer tree. 

NOTE: Many of these functions can also be performed from the Programme Manager.


Adding a new Programme

  • Right-click Programmes and choose Add new Programme.

This will open the Programme Wizard:

  • Optionally, choose a Programme type, otherwise this will remain set to the default.
  • Enter a Programme name.
  • Optionally, enter a Code for the Programme.
  • Optionally, choose a Bar Colour. This will set the default Bar Colour for occurrences for this Programme, which will be the colour used in the Programme Manager.
  • Do not make this Programme available for use indicates if the Programme should be archived. If ticked, the Programme will be added/moved to the Archived Programmes branch.
  • Do not show this Programme in waitlists will prevent this Programme from being displayed in Waiter.
  • Tick Allow occurrences to have tasks to enable Tasks.
  • Available in VETembark flags that this Programme is to be a selectable item within the VETembark system.
  • Optionally, provide a Description for the Programme.
  • Click Next and then Finish.


Editing an existing Programme

  • Expand Programmes.
  • Right-click the Programme and choose Edit Programme.

This will open the Programme Wizard, where you can make changes.


Deleting a Programme

  • Expand Programmes.
  • Right-click the type and choose Delete Programme.
  • Click Yes when asked to confirm the delete.

If an error occurs, the Programme has likely been used previously and is included in historical data. In this case, you will need to archive the code to remove it from active use.


Viewing the Programme report

This report lists all Programmes together with some basic details for each, in a format suitable for printing. The report includes archived Programmes.

  • Right-click Programmes and choose Show Programme report.

The report will be displayed in a new tab/window.


Viewing the occurrence report

This report displays a printable list of occurrences for the chosen Programme. It provides basic details for each occurrence.

  • Expand Programmes.
  • Right-click a Programme and choose Show occurrence report.

The report will be displayed in a new tab/window.

NOTE: This report can be run for archived Programmes. Expand the Archived Programmes branch, then right-click the desired Programme.


Adding a new occurrence

  • Expand Programmes.
  • Right-click the Programme and choose Add occurrence.

This will open the Add Occurrence Wizard.


Editing an occurrence

  • Expand Programmes, and the relevant programme.
  • Right-click the occurrence and choose Edit occurrence.

This will open the Enrolment Wizard, where you can make changes.


Duplicating an occurrence

  • Expand Programmes and the specific programme to which the occurrence belongs.
  • Right-click the occurrence and choose Duplicate occurrence.

This will open the Duplicate Occurrence/Booking Wizard.


Deleting an occurrence

  • Expand Programmes and the specific programme to which the occurrence belongs.
  • Right-click the occurrence and choose Delete occurrence.
  • Click Yes when asked to confirm the delete.

If an error occurs, the occurrence likely already has enrolments which would need to be deleted first.


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