Linking to the Rapid Registration Process

The Rapid Registration process can be triggered via:

Feature by request

The Rapid Registrations feature must be activated for your VETenrol account, please contact Support.


Courses Page (aka Rapid Course Widget)

The Courses page provides a summary of the available occurrences based on the programme and location selected. It is intended for embedding via an iFrame in your website. For best results, a long, narrow space is recommend.

The link is the URL to the server followed by ?clientID= and your ClientID exactly as displayed in your Client Administration Settings and then &page=courses.aspx.

For example:

The courses page can accept further parameters:

LimitSets the maximum number of occurrences to display. Also requires a progID.
LocationRestricts the occurrences to a single location. The location text provided must match the Location set for the occurrence(s). Also requires a progID.
ProgIDRemoves the programme selection field and shows only occurrences of the programme matching the ID.
Multiple ProgID values can also be passed by comma separating the IDs, this will retain the programme selection field but limit it to only the programmes with the matching IDs.



The courses page can also be used for standard registrations if the Rapid Registrations feature has not been activated for your VETenrol account.

Schedule Page

The schedule page triggers the standard registration process by default, however by passing the rapid parameter as part of the link, it can trigger the rapid registration process instead.

The link is the URL to the server followed by ?clientID= and your ClientID (exactly as used for login to Admin) and then &page=schedule.aspx and &rapid=1 to indicate use of rapid addresses for the Enrol Now links.

For example:


There are no Rapid settings for Schedule, however the standard settings still apply when using the rapid parameter.

Direct Links

This method begins the Rapid Registration process immediately for a specific occurrence.

The link is the URL to the server followed by ?clientID= and your ClientID (exactly as used for login to Admin) and then &page=RegisterRapid.aspx and &occuID= and the Occurrence ID for the course instance appended to the address.

For example:

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