
Placements are often used to record/represent non-supervised work experience or work placements. They can be linked to the client's contract or training agreement, or associated with a Non-Contract Enrolment or Occurrence Enrolment. Alternatively a Placement can be recorded as a "loose" Placement not linked to any specific training activity against the Client itself.

Client Placements are viewable in the Client Manager. Contract or Enrolment-based Placements are shown in the Placements tree underneath the relevant Contract or Enrolment:

All of a person's Placements, Contract / Enrolment-based or otherwise, are shown in the Placements (all) tree for the selected Client:

Placements can also be viewed in the Employer Manager by selecting the Employer and expanding the appropriate Placements tree:

You can add a Placement by right-clicking on any Placement heading and choosing Add Placement:

This will display the Placement Wizard:

  1. Choose the Contract or Enrolment that the Placement relates to, this can only be linked to a Contract or Enrolment; it cannot be linked to both. Traineeship Placements must be linked to a Contract. Leave this blank if the Placement is not connected to any specific training activity.
  2. Select the Host Employer from the selection list of employers in your database. Click the button on the left to make a new one on-the-fly. Note: The Host Employer's ABN must be filled in for VIC AVETMISS records for compliant validation.
  3. Select the Contact from the selected Host Employer if applicable. Click the button on the left to make another on-the-fly.
  4. Set the Start and Finish dates for the Placement. You will be warned if these dates overlap with another Placement for this Client.
  5. Select the Supervising Staff Member (optional) from the selection list of Staff in your Data Entry.
  6. Optionally, enter the Wage rate, Charge rate, and Hours per week.
  7. The Total Scheduled Hours will be reported as the hours in the NAT120 when the placement is reported in VIC AVETMISS. When creating a Placement for the first time, this defaults to the number of full weeks between the Placement Start and Finish dates, multiplied by the Hours per week.
  8. The Result Type will be reported as the Result set against the Placement. This is only limited to outcomes 70, 81, 82 or 85 for Placements that will be reported in VIC AVETMISS.
  9. The Placement arranged by student option decides on which of the following codes to apply per Placement within the NAT120 file if This is a program-based practical placement is also ticked, in-line with Page 200 of the VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines 2024
    • PRAC000001 - Practical placement organised by training provider

    • PRAC000002 - Practical placement organised by student/client themselves

  10. The This is a program-based practice placement option determines whether the Placement gets recorded within the NAT120 file.

In addition to the above, the Information about placement reporting in VIC option provides further details on VIC reporting requirements around Placements, and how these carry through to the NAT120 file:

Press Next to continue. This will display the Unit Selection window if the Placement is assigned to an Enrolment.

Click Use against the Units you would like to assign to your Placement. If there are results listed, these will appear under the Result column

Additionally, you may set the Placement per Unit within the Enrolment Results Wizard when Recording Results in VETtrak.

This column is accessible by enabling the Placement column from the optional column list as below:

Click Next to continue. This will display the Finish button.

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