Eligibility Calculator

The Eligibility Calculator presents step-by-step questions typically used to determine funding eligibility. It utilises preset Eligibility Forms and operates to funnel a user to a particular price type or end point.

  • A single question is displayed at a time.
  • An answer must be selected for the customer to proceed to the next step.
  • Each answer must be Yes or No.
  • A No answer may lead to a different question than having answered Yes.


We can develop customised eligibility forms for other uses, such as determining membership eligibility or suitability for refresher course prices. Contact VETtrak Support for more information.

VETenrol Eligibility Calculator

An answer must be selected to proceed

The example screenshots depict the NSW Smart & Skilled eligibility form with demo branding.

The basic link used for this eligibility form is http://enrol.vetenrol.com.au/?clientID=VT-DEMO&page=eligibility.aspx&eID=1 which without additional parameters will present the Contact Form message regardless of outcome.

VETenrol Eligibility Calculator - Ineligible Outcome

Ineligible outcome

VETenrol Eligibility Calculator - Eligible Outcome

Eligible outcome

Once the outcome is reached, the user must complete the their contact information and then click the Finish button. It is at this point the eligibility record will appear in the VETenrol Admin. For the user, the parameters included in the link provided to them will determine what will happen next.

If the link includes an occurrence ID and price IDs for eligible and ineligible outcomes, the user will be directed straight to the registration process.

VETenrol Standard Rego with Ineligible pricing

Registering (Ineligible) - OccuID and price IDs for outcome provided

VETenrol Standard Rego with Eligible pricing

Registering (Eligible) - OccuID and price IDs for outcome provided

In the case where only an occurrence ID is provided, the user is still directed straight to the registration process. However the user will need to select the pricing themselves.

VETenrol Standard Rego - price not provided for occurrence with multiple published pricing items

Registering - OccuID but no price IDs for outcome provided

Note: Price ID Exclusions will not be listed. Any Pricing items with their ID entered as an exclusion will be removed as a choice. If this results in only one remaining price type, users will not be provided a choice for pricing.

Otherwise the user will need to select the missing details, such as programme, occurrence, and pricing from the main page.

VETenrol Courses default main page

Registering - Basic link only

VETenrol Courses default with programme selected

Registering - Programme specified in the link.

Links containing OccuID or ProgID

Consider adding the altCSS parameter to hide the course list (typically &altCSS=1) for links that include either an Occurrence ID or a Programme ID.

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