Duplicating an Occurrence

Quite often an Occurrence may occur multiple times throughout a period, possibly with new dates or amended details. Similarly, an Occurrence may run several times for new groups of learners.

VETtrak provides a method of duplicating an existing occurrence, saving your time by not having to repeat your data entry. To do this, locate the occurrence to be duplicated in the Programme Manager, right-click on the Details node and select

Duplicate occurrence:


The Duplicate Occurrence Wizard will start:


  1. The details for the original occurrence will be displayed at the top of the window.
  2. The Add recurring button allows you to schedule a number of new occurrences based off a particular set of criteria, such as choosing how often a new occurrence will be required and on what days:

  3. If you wish to create multiple new occurrences based off this existing one, click Add to add another entry to the list.
  4. Enter the new start date.

    NOTE: This new date will affect all other date-related items within the new occurrence, pushing forward items such as Class Dates, Event Dates, etc, to suit the new Occurrence date. 
  5. Enter the new Occurrence short code, if required.
  6. The Copy checkboxes will allow you to choose what additional items will be copied from the existing occurrence when the new Occurrence is created, including:
    • Copy Classes
      Tick this box if you want to create classes on the same days of the week and times as the original occurrence. (Click the column heading to toggle this on or off for all rows.)
    • Copy Events
      Tick this box if you want to create events based off those entered against the original occurrence. (Click the column heading to toggle this on or off for all rows.)
    • Copy Notes
      Tick this box if you want any notes associated with the original occurrence to also be included in the new occurrence. (Click the column heading to toggle this on or off for all rows.)
    • Copy Docs
      Tick this box if you want any attached documents associated with the original occurrence to also be included in the new occurrence. (Click the column heading to toggle this on or off for all rows.)
  7. Click the red [X] if you want to remove a pending new occurrence from this list.

Press Next and Finish to have your new occurrences created. They will appear in your Programme Manager, and can be managed individually in future.

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