Once your have Created or Imported a Qualification, you are ready to associate units with it in order to finalise it ready for enrolment.
Units of Competency are imported within a relevant Training Package, then associated with a particular Qualification. In this case you can drag and drop the units to directly link them to a Qualification. Drag and drop can be used from the Units in Package branch or from the Unit Search.
- Expand Training Packages and the specific package.
- Expand Qualifications and the specific qualification.
- Expand Units in Package or use the Unit Search to find the relevant units.
- To search, type the first few characters of the unit code, OR
- Tick the checkbox to expand the qual tree and identify the unit this way.
- If you want to select multiple units, hold the CTRL key while left-clicking each unit.
- Drag and drop the unit(s) onto the Unit Cluster headings. By Default, VETtrak will use the Core units of competency or Elective units of competency branches.
The relevant branch will expand to show the newly added unit.
NOTE: Some units may have a different number of hours depending on which state they are delivered in. The Unit/Module Wizard contains a grid to record this if you deliver in more than one state. Right-click on a unit and then choose Edit unit from the menu to start the wizard.
Adding a new Unit of Competency
It is possible to create new units manually:
- Expand Training Packages and the specific package.
- Expand Qualifications and the specific qualification.
- Right-click Units in Package and choose Add new unit.
This will open the Unit/Module Wizard.
Adding an Element of Competency to a Unit of Competency
In most cases, elements are imported with the Training Package and creating elements will not be necessary.
Expand the Unit in question, right-click on Elements and then choose Add new element. Complete the Element/Learning Outcome Wizard.
- Importing Training Packages From TGA
- Adding a Module to a Course - for further details on the Unit/Module Wizard and the Element/Learning Outcome Wizard.
- Assigning Pre-requisites to Units/Modules