USI Step

VETenrol Admin Config Card for Registration Steps USI is a category of Optional Steps, which is accessed from the Configuration (VETenrol Admin Icon Config) page in the VETenrol Admin.

These settings apply to the USI step in the standard registration process. The USI step requests the user's Unique Student Identifier (USI) and will collect information to facilitate the creation of a USI on the user's behalf if they do not have one.

VETenrol Admin Optional Steps page showing USI tab

Key aspects of the USI category:

USI step options

The options in this section are:

VETenrol Admin USI step options section

Enable USI Step

This option will include the step in the registration process for all standard registrations.

  • Other options in the section will become available when the option is ticked ( Checkbox ticked ).
  • The step will not be part of the registration process if the option is unticked ( Checkbox unticked ).

VETenrol USI step of standard rego

Enable option for RTO to search for USI

This option can be enabled to add the question Do you know your Unique Student Identifier. If the user selects the No choice, the USI field will be replaced with another question: Would you like us to look up your USI on your behalf.

  • Yes is preselected for the Do you know your USI question.

VETenrol USI step of standard rego with Search enabled

Default selections on reaching the USI step

VETenrol USI Step of Standard Rego with Yes to look up option

Yes is preselected for the look up when the user indicates they don't know their USI

VETenrol USI Step of Standard Rego with No to look up option

No chosen by user to the look up after indicating they do not know their USI

Force option for RTO to Create USI

This option can be enabled to remove the No choice for the question Would you like us to create a USI for you.

  • Yes will be preselected for the question as soon as the user indicates they do not have a USI.
  • The drop-down menu for the question can be clicked, however Yes is the only option available.

VETenrol USI Step of Standard Rego with Create USI set to Yes

Option enabled ( ticked box )

USI creation details cannot be passed to VETtrak.
To review the USI creation answers you will need to view the registration details in the VETenrol Admin.

Disable option for RTO to Create USI

This option can be enabled to prevent the question 'Would you like us to create a USI for you' from being asked.

  • The user can answer Yes or No to Do you have a Unique Student Identifier?
  • The user can proceed to the next step if they answer No.

Make supplying USI mandatory

This option can be enabled to prevent users from proceeding with the registration without supplying their USI. 

  • Disable option for RTO to Create USI must be ticked to use this option.
  • The drop-down menu for the Do you have a Unique Student Identifier question can be clicked, however Yes is the only option available.
  • If the user does not enter a USI they will not be able to proceed to the Next step.

VETenrol USI Step

Disable Option for RTO to Create USI enabled ( ticked box )

VETenrol USI step

Make supplying USI mandatory enabled ( ticked box )


The Unique Student Identifier field will accept the exemption code "INDIV" for individual exemptions. Individual exemptions are rare, thus they are not mentioned to prevent ineligible students from entering the code simply to bypass the step.

USI Step Introduction

This section controls the text displayed at the USI step beneath the heading Unique Student Identifier. Not applicable if the step is not enabled.

VETenrol Admin USI Step Introduction section

  • Type plain text or html directly into the field.
  • Alternatively, click VETenrol Admin Pencil icon to open the Editor, where text can be entered and formatted, then click Apply and the resulting html will be inserted into the field. Click Save to commit the changes.

USI Privacy Notice

This section controls the text displayed when the user opts to have the RTO create a USI on their behalf. Not applicable if the step is not enabled or if Disable option for RTO to create USI is in effect.

VETenrol Admin USI Privacy Notice section

  • Click the Default button to insert the default text for editing, or type plain text or html directly into the field.
  • Alternatively, click VETenrol Admin Pencil icon to open the Editor, where text can be entered and formatted, then click Apply and the resulting html will be inserted into the field. Click Save to commit the changes.

VETenrol USI Step of Standard Rego showing privacy notice

USI step depicting default Privacy Notice.

Next: Student Numbers step

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