Course Display

VETenrol Admin Configuration Card Award Verification Course Display is a category of Standard Settings, which is available from the Configuration (VETenrol Admin Icon Config) page in the VETenrol Admin.

Click the Standard Settings heading or associated text to open the page, then click the Course Display tab.

These settings generally affect the available courses on the main page and how they are displayed when selected.

There are three sections, each relating to the VETenrol main page:

  1. Programme Display
  2. Occurrence Display
  3. Occurrence Details (link opens the dedicated article for this topic)

And finally a section for an alternative page:

  1. Schedule (link opens the dedicated article for this topic)

Programme Display

The options for this section are:

VETenrol Admin Standard Settings Programme Display section

Categorise Programmes

This feature sorts programmes into categories as per the Programme Type set for the programme in VETtrak. It is intended to improve the customer experience when there are large quantities of available programmes.

VETenrol default main page

Categorise setting disabled ( unticked box )

VETenrol main page with courses categorised

Categorise setting enabled ( ticked box )

Show all Programmes

This setting toggles the display of courses without current occurrences. The primary function of this setting is to allow enquiries for those courses.

VETenrol default main page

Show all programmes setting disabled ( unticked box )

VETenrol main page showing all programmes

Show all programmes setting enabled ( ticked box )

Show programme description

Toggle this option to show or hide the course description retrieved from VETtrak for users browsing courses.

VETenrol main page programme without description

Disabled ( unticked box )

VETenrol main page programme with description

Enabled ( ticked box )

In order for the description to be displayed when enabled, content must also have been entered into the Programme Description in VETtrak.

Enquiries for inactive programmes

Toggle this setting to display the enquiry form on courses without any current or future occurrences.

VETenrol main page inactive programme without enquiry

Disabled ( unticked box )

VETenrol main page inactive programme with enquiry

Enabled ( ticked box )

This setting requires Show all programmes to be enabled, additionally, there needs to be at least one old occurrence published (with a start and end date in the past) for the programme to be listed as an available course and subsequently show the enquiry or not.

Push enquiries to VETtrak Waiter

This option will send the details to Web Enrolments in VETtrak, under Waitlist. There the client details can be matched and then the record approved for the Waiter.

Note: A waitlist web enrolment can only be received from a direct enquiry link to the Enquiry Form if the user chooses a course. Waitlisting is not supported by the Course Enquiry widget.

Occurrence Display

The options for this section are:

VETenrol Admin Standard Settings Occurrence Display section

Show all Occurrences

Enable this option to display inactive/closed occurrences for valid programmes.

This will result in displaying every past occurrence that is still published for any programme that also has at least one occurrence published in the future with a start date falling within the time frame set by the Months to Show value.

VETenrol compare0

Show all occurrences setting disabled ( unticked box  - default)

VETenrol compare1

Show all occurrences setting enabled ( ticked box )

This option can extend page load times significantly and should be used in combination with VETtrak’s Unpublish feature to manage occurrences.

Allow register after start date

Toggle this option to allow users to register after the close date of an occurrence.

VETenrol compare0

Disabled ( unticked box )

VETenrol compare1

Enabled ( ticked box )

Setting Requirements

For Allow register after start date to function as intended:

  • Show all occurrences must be enabled.
  • Show Close Dates must be disabled.

Show Enquire button for Occurrences

This setting will include enquire buttons for each individual occurrence.

VETenrol main page occurrence with default options

Occurrence with Enquire button disabled ( unticked box )

VETenrol main page occurrence with enquire button

Occurrence with Enquire button enabled ( ticked box )

When clicked, the Enquire button opens the Enquiry Form.

Enquiries sent through this form are viewed from the Enquiries menu option. Email notification of the enquiry will also be sent.

VETenrol Enquiry Form

Next: Course Display: Occurrence Details

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