Custom Agreements Overview

Agreements is a step, or page, in the registration process that displays relevant agreements to users and requires them to agree to each declaration in order to proceed to the next step.

VETenrol Front End Agreements Step

The content used by the step is created and managed in the VETenrol Admin using the Custom Agreements feature.

In addition to the heading and text for agreements, the feature offers controls to determine the courses for which an agreement should appear and in what order.

There is also an optional introduction for the step itself.

Note: The Agreements step is only enabled in the registration process when at least one agreement has been created and the user is registering for a course to which the agreement applies.


Understanding the Custom Agreements

The Custom Agreements feature is accessed from the Configuration page (VETenrol Admin Icon Config) via the Agreements link under Step Creation.


The primary page elements are:

  • The Step Introduction section for including text to introduce the step.
  • The Add/Edit Agreements section facilitates the creation of new agreements and allow existing agreements to be viewed and modified.
  • Agreement List for saved agreements, which allows them to be managed.


Next: Using the Step Introduction

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