VETenrol 23.1 Release Notes - 20th Dec 2022

VETenrol 23.1.0 Release Notes - 20th Dec 2022


  • Skills First 2023 - Compliance update for Skills First based on Guidelines About Eligibility Version 1.0, published November 2022.
    This includes changes to the SFP Step of the standard registration process to remove Job Trainer, and Admin support for the downloading the new version via Registration Details.
  • Eligibility Builder - Support for choosing a Custom Form as an outcome.
  • Award Verification - Rename of End Date to Completion Date for clarity.
  • CRICOS number appearing in the default footer will link to the website showing institution details.
  • Registration Confirmation - The on-screen 'receipt' page for standard registrations will now include the Web Enrolment ID in the Booking Number field. The number is amended to the end of the usual booking number (in the OccurrenceID-RegistrationID format) with a leading V. This is omitted for auto-processed occurrences.
    In addition, Web Enrolment ID placeholders for Receipt type Mail Templates and the Confirmation Email, {webenrolmentid} and *WEBENROLMENTID* respectively, are also available. NOTE: Not applicable for registrations into auto-processed occurrences (as the web enrolment does not exist after processing), 0 will be inserted into the placeholder.

Bug Fixes

  • Abandoned / Pending Registrations Admin page not showing Programme, Occurrence ID and Occurrence Date for Rapid records.
  • Issue with Google Chrome prefilling saved credentials into the Integration page, that when inadvertently saved caused errors with submitting enquiries.
  • Upload fields for Site Resources and LLN Resources not displaying the filename after a file is selected.
  • Issue allowing registration/group bookings into occurrences without vacancies for accounts with the Display Occurrences without vacancies setting enabled (this setting is not available by default - it must be enabled by Support for a VETenrol account)

VETenrol 23.1.1 Hotfix Notes - 22nd Dec 2022

  • Skills First 2023 - Compliance update for Skills First based on Guidelines About Eligibility Version 2.0, published 19th December 2022.
    This update replaces the previous work done for Skills First 2023 removing all support for Version 1.0.


VETenrol 23.1.2 Hotfix Notes - 19th Jan 2023



  • Skills First 2023 - Compliance update for Skills first based on Guidelines About Eligibility Version 2.1, published 23rd December 2022.
    This update replaces the previous work done for Skills First 2023, however support for Version 2.0 is retained for registrations placed while this version was in effect allowing the correct form to be download from the Skills First section and/or resent with RTO notifications via Admin.
  • USI Step - RTO Create option collects Card Number for Qld and Vic Driver's Licences. These states were once exempt.


Bug Fixes

  • Issue with not saving Town of Birth when the Save For Later feature is used at the USI Step.



VETenrol 23.1.3 Update Notes - 2nd Mar 2023


New Features

  • Purchase Order Issuer
    Option to collect the Purchase Order Issuer details when the Purchase Order payment method is chosen by the user. The option is only available for the standard registration process for individuals and requires the Purchase Order payment method. When enabled, the option includes a field for user to enter the name of the organisation that issued their purchase order and potentially a contact number (into the same field).
    This new setting is mentioned in our help centre article Individual Payment Preferences under Payment Methods.



  • RPL Step now offers a Skip button and will indicate in the Registration Details that the user has opted out. This does not impact older registrations which will continue to display RPL in the Registration Details only if the user had indicated yes to either RPL or CT.
  • API Summary report has been improved for displaying relevant occurrences when the Rapid Registration workflow is chosen.
  • Custom Forms editor will provide a basic warning if the reserved word email is used as the API Property Name for any of the form elements when creating or editing a custom form template.
  • Admin will now display labelling changes that can only be applied by Support for accounts. These cannot be edited via Admin but provide transparency as to what has been changed. Help for associated fields directs clients to contact Support to have the customisation updated or removed. The article Customised Labelling for VETenrol Accounts shows how these potential customisations will appear in the Admin.


Bug Fixes

  • Save For Later text did not change the email address if the user went back to the Details step and alters their email.
  • CategoryView page not displaying Group Booking buttons for occurrences with either Both or Employer Only publish options in VETtrak.
  • Permissions issue with downloading/viewing files for registrations placed via other instances when using a Master account.
  • Integrations page tab changing from Mail to API when the Set Password popup is opened for SMTP Server.



VETenrol 23.1.4 Hotfix Notes - 8th Mar 2023



  • Custom Forms: performance improvement for really slow loading of forms for users.



VETenrol 23.1.5 Update Notes - 23rd Mar 2023



  • Custom Forms: minor performance improvement for exporting in Admin.
  • Options for including attachments on email alerts for registrations to the RTO.

    These options are not enabled by default
    This replaces the previous behaviour of automatically including attachments for any accounts with a SMTP Mail Server specified. Please opt in by enabling the options to continue receiving attachments with your registration alert.



VETenrol 23.1.6 Hotfix Notes - 29th March 2023



  • Custom Forms: Replaced the word Supplemental in the email notification for new submissions.


Bug Fixes

  • Custom Forms: Submitting when settings are enabled to remove default Name and/or Email Address fields.



VETenrol 2x.x.x Release Notes - [date]


New Features

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Bug Fixes

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