AVETMISS FAQ & Errors - Australian Capital Territory


  • What is the name of the AVETMISS Reporting Body for the Australian Capital Territory?
    Skills Canberra
  • How are AVETMISS files reported to Skills Canberra?
    The NAT files are first validated through NCVER AVS and then validated and uploaded through ACT Vocational Education and Training Administration Records System (AVETARS) 
  • Where can I find more information about Skills Canberra reporting requirements?
    Visit the AVETARS - Skills page on the ACT Government website. 
  • How do I contact Skills Canberra?
    The Skills Canberra contact number can be found on the Contact Us page of the Department of State Growth website 
  • How often should I report my data?
    According to the 2023 ACT AVETMISS Reporting Guide, data must be submitted representing the previous quarter's data between the key dates below
    • 1st - 15th April for the current Calendar Year
    • 1st - 15th July for the current Calendar Year 
    • 1st - 15th October for the current Calendar Year 
    • 1st - 15th January for the previous Calendar Year


Error/Warning CodeError/Warning MessageSolution
  • Error message 1 - The contract completion and the student's completion payment will not be able to be processed due to the lack of a corresponding records for the student in the NAT00120 file.
  • Error message 2 - Alternatively, the 'Client identifier' provided may not match an existing record in the NAT00080 file. Make sure a client record exists in both files.

Please contact Skills Canberra on 02 6205 8555 or email skills@act.gov.au for further information.

Error message 1 can occur if the total records in the NAT00120 do not meet the total number of units required for the Qualification and an award is reported in the NAT00130 to represent the full completion of the qualification for the client.

For example, a Certificate III in Individual Support requires 15 total complete units across 9 Core Units, and 6 Elective Units under the Ageing and Disability Specialisations. All 15 units should be reported in the NAT00120 before a record can be reported in the NAT00130 to represent the full completion.

Ensure that all units within the client's enrolment have had their results recorded correctly with the correct start and finish dates. All units within the enrolment should appear in the NAT00120 before an award can be recorded and reported in the NAT00130.

Error message 2 is unlikely to occur unless the NAT files were edited in any way after exporting them from VETtrak, as the NAT00120 and NAT00130 files are checked prior to the NAT0080 file within the Generate State AVETMISS 8 Wizard.


The 'Training contract identifier' must match the 'Training contract identifier' in AVETARS.

Please check your student administration system and ensure the correct 'Training contract identifier' has been entered against the client.

In VETtrak, set the state to ACT, then within the Contract Wizard, check the STA Client No matches the Training Contract Identifier in AVETARS for the student listed.

If Contracts are not used, refer to the STA Client No on page 1 of the Client Personal Wizard instead.


The 'Program ANZSCO identifier' entered is invalid. Please enter a valid code. If unsure of the correct code to be used, please refer to the National Register website <http://training.gov.au> and search on the program for the relevant code.

Within the Qualification Manager, locate the affected Qualification/Course, and ensure the correct ANZSCO record is selected on page 2 of the Qualification/Course Wizard.

This error can occur if the ANZSCO Identifier selected per Qualification/Course does not match the code listed on training.gov.au

This is located by searching for the Qualification/Course using the keyword search, then under Classifications, refer to the Code column against the ANZSCO Identifier row.

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