Generating AVETMISS Files

VETtrak provides the facility to generate AVETMISS compliant NAT files for both a State Reporting Body and the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER), across the current AVETMISS standard.

For more general detail on how your VETtrak data entry affects your AVETMISS generations, please see our AVETMISS Reporting - General Information article.


Changes to this menu were implemented within the VETtrak Version update.

The option to perform an AVETMISS generation is located under the AVETMISS menu:

Within this menu, you can select the specific AVETMISS generation you may require. These include both state and national options, as follows:

  • State AVETMISS 8 files

    Generates NAT files for a specific State Body, in the AVETMISS 8 format.

  • National AVETMISS 8 files

    Generates NAT files for NCVER, in the AVETMISS 8 format.

It is important that you select the correct Generation Type when performing an AVETMISS generation, as each particular option is designed for a very particular NAT file output.



Generating State AVETMISS Files

To generate AVETMISS files to report to your state government, make sure you have the correct state selected at the top of the screen, and select Generate State AVETMISS files.

The following wizard will appear:

  1. Select the State for which you are submitting files.
  2. Select an alternate Organisation if you utilise the Multi-RTO functionality.
  3. Set the Year for which you are submitting files.
  4. If required: Select what portion of the year you are submitting files for.


    In most cases, Entire Year (January to December) is the required option.

  5. Enforce end of year validation will indicate that this is your final end of year submission. If this box is ticked, VETtrak will apply additional validation rules for your AVETMISS data that can cause errors to appear in an AVETMISS generation where you may not anticipate errors.
  6. In states except Victoria, VETtrak will normally produce NAT10 and NAT30 (non-A) files. If you tick the 'Use A Files' option, VETtrak will instead produce NAT10A and NAT30A files. These files supplement data from the website.
  7. NSW users only: Tick this box if you are generating a file for Smart and Skilled claiming.
  8. Queensland users only: Tick the box if you want to record the claim date in VETtrak for each claimed unit.
  9. Victorian users only: Tick this box to save the tuition fee amount against each enrolled unit you are reporting.


    As this can increase the time that it takes to generate the AVETMISS files, it is recommended that you first generate the files to check for errors. Once all errors are fixed, you can then return to this screen and tick the box to set the tuition fees when you are ready to do your final AVETMISS generation.

  10. Victorian users only: Tick this box only if you want to see a warning for any student enrolled in a Certificate I qualification who has already completed Year 12. As this increases the time taken to generate the files, you would normally only turn this on when you are close to preparing your final submission.
  11. Claim Exclusions can be used to optionally include a specific exemption type for your generation. Please note that this should be used with advice from a compliance expert.
    Standard exclusions include:
  12. If you tick this box, the generation of the files will stop if any errors are found, to allow you to fix any errors in that file before proceeding. This can be helpful if you have very large AVETMISS files that take a long time to generate.
  13. Runs a Reduced memory usage Generation - This option does not display any record detail grids, but still allows CSV and NAT file exports. This can be used to speed up larger AVETMISS generations.
  14. Advanced Options: Allows access to tick a particular box to allow filtering via the dropdown list:


    AVETMISS Generations should contain all relevant data, so do not make use of these items unless instructed to by an official party.

Generating National AVETMISS Files

To generate AVETMISS files to report to NCVER, select Generate National AVETMISS 8 files.

The following wizard will appear:

  1. Select an alternate Organisation if you utilise the Multi-RTO functionality.
  2. Select the Year for which you are submitting files.
  3. If required: Select what portion of the year you are submitting files for.


    In most cases, Entire Year (January to December) is the required option.

  4. Enforce end of year validation will indicate that this is your final end of year submission. If this box is ticked, VETtrak will apply additional validation rules for your AVETMISS data that can cause errors to appear in an AVETMISS generation where you may not anticipate errors.
  5. Tick a particular box to allow filtering by a particular State via the dropdown list.
    AVETMISS Generations should contain all relevant data, so do not make use of this item unless instructed to by an official party.
  6. If you tick this box, the generation of the files will stop if any errors are found, to allow you to fix any errors in that file before proceeding. This can be helpful if you have very large AVETMISS files that take a long time to generate.
  7. If the Excluded Quals Warning tickbox is on, at the end of the AVETMISS generation (before any file saving), a screen will appear listing any qualifications/courses that were removed from the NAT30 generation due to the “Exists in” checkbox  being unticked against the course/qualification.
  8. Runs a Reduced memory usage Generation - This option does not display any record detail grids, but still allows CSV and NAT file exports. This can be used to speed up larger AVETMISS generations.


NEXT: NAT Files - Viewing and Fixing AVETMISS Errors/Warnings

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