Enquiry Conversions

Enquiries can be converted into registrations. A conversion produces a pending registration for the standard registration process that can be completed by the enquirer through a link that must be supplied to them. Conversions are logged and will be indicated on both the original enquiry and the resulting registration.

The registration operates using the same process for registrations saved using the Save for Later feature, however the data comes from the enquiry rather than the registration process in the first instance. The Save for Later feature does not need to be enabled for users to resume the pending registration created through enquiry conversion.

In this article:

Feature Requirements and Notes

To use the Enquiry Conversion feature:

Additional notes:

  • Single use only - enquiries cannot be converted more than once.
  • Conversion is for standard registration process only, incompatible with Rapid Registrations.

Other recommendations:

  • Speak with the potential client before undertaking a conversion:
    • You will need to know the programme, suitable start dates, location and pricing for the client, particularly if any of this information hasn't been communicated in the original enquiry.
    • An unexpected email may be mistaken for a scam or phishing attempt and deleted by the recipient. This will mean a vacancy is reserved with no chance of filling the spot with a paying client.
  • If conversion is expected to be used frequently, consider implementing a process to review and cancel pending registrations that haven't been completed in the expected timeframe. This will free up vacancies in occurrences and ensure that the registration links can no longer be used.

Accessing the feature

Enquiry Conversion utilise the enquiry records in VETenrol Admin. The ability to convert an enquiry is available from Enquiry Details.

Submitted Enquiries can be viewed and managed by choosing Activity () and then Enquiries from the menu.

Enquiry Details are available for each enquiry in the list.


  • Click the Open icon name to open the details for that record.
If an enquiry is suitable for conversion, when viewing the Enquiry Details, a Convert button will be available from the upper right of the page.


Conversion is started by clicking the Convert button in the top right of the Enquiry Details page. An enquiry that has already been converted will display the associated registration ID instead.

VETenrol Enquiry Details with Convert button

Enquiry allowing conversion

VETenrol Enquiry Details after conversion

Enquiry converted.

After a pending registration has been created from the Course Selection, options to copy the resulting pending URL and email the client will be available.

In addition to the system default message, templates that are of the registration response type can be chosen. Please ensure the template you select includes the URL for the client to resume their pending registration. If the URL was copied previously, this can be pasted into message in the editor (edits are lost when a different template is chosen).

On returning to the Enquiry Details page, the diary will record the conversion and that an email was sent (if applicable).

The Registration Details for the new registration will contain similar records in its diary. The registration is not otherwise associated with the original enquiry and is treated like any other registration. Until it is completed by the client it will be listed on the Registrations page when selecting View incomplete pending registrations from Status.

Converting an Enquiry

Navigate to the Enquiry Details. When you are certain of the programme and occurrence the client should be registered into, click the Convert button.

Enquiries that indicate preferences for programme, occurrence and pricing will have these options preselected at the conversion page, however if this is not possible the selection will default to the first in the list.

Course Selection

Review the preselected options, keeping in mind that these may have defaulted to the first option in the list. Course Details will update as selections are made.

  • Programme— this indicates the course of study.
    • The Show all occurrences checkbox, if enabled, will allow the inclusion of programmes in the list that do not have valid occurrences (ie. published and starting in the near future). This may need to be selected for correct prefill of the programme.
  • Start Date — the start date identifies the occurrence, and also the location.
  • Pricing — the price types published for the selected occurrence.

Once the selection is confirmed:

  • Click the Create button.

It will take a few moments to create the new registration.

On success, the page will show the Registration section, which displays the new registration ID and the link to complete the registration. Additionally, the Course Selection information will be disabled and vacancies will no longer appear for the course.

The link needs to be provided to the client:

  • copy — the URL will be copied to the clipboard and can be pasted into your email application or into VETtrak. For testing purposes this can also be pasted directly into the address bar of a new tab in your Internet browser.
  • email — send an email from a template containing the link to the client using VETenrol.

Distribute URLs with Caution
The client's personal information will be displayed to anyone visiting the link, which includes name, date of birth and a contact number, depending on the details collected in the enquiry. Please use this link responsibly.

Sending by email

The typical Email Client pop-up is displayed to send email:

  • The System Default is provided as the first option. This includes the registration link and can be edited before being sent, but those edits cannot be saved for future use. A template should be created in that case.
  • The templates associated with enquiry conversions are of type Registration Response. Email templates can be created with the link placeholder for use with Enquiry Conversions.
All Registration Response templates will be listed

Please ensure that the chosen template either includes the link or you copied the link from the page and have inserted it into the message body.

Selecting a different template discards existing content

You cannot swap between templates and retain changes made to the Subject or message body, these will be updated each time to reflect the chosen template. From, To and Bcc fields are not specified in templates so changes to those will remain when the template is changed.

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