Process: Enrolling Clients into an Occurrence

Once your have established an Occurrence, you are then ready to start enrolling Clients into it. This will create Client Occurrence Enrolments that contain all the information you have set against the Occurrence. You can then edit these Occurrence enrolments after they are created.

With your Occurrence selected in the Programme Manager. Right-click on the Enrolments tree heading in the right-hand section and select Enrol clients in occurrence:

This will display the Add Occurrence Enrolment Wizard:

  1. The first page of this wizard requires us to choose the client or clients to be enrolled. This can be done by searching for people who are already in your database, or:
  2. ticking the box to use the trees to locate certain existing clients, or:
  3. if the person you want to enrol doesn't already exist, click the handy button button to create a new client.
  4. Select the people by double-clicking from this list. You can also drag and drop clients, with the option to select multiple clients using the Shift and Ctrl keys.
  5. The Selected Clients area will display the people to be enrolled.
  6. If you want to select which units to enrol these clients in, tick this box and you will be shown another page where you can select the units / modules to be used.
  7. Tick this box if you want to select which classes to enrol these clients in. You will be shown a page where you can select the classes to be used.
  8. Tick this box if you want to select which events associated with the occurrence are to be added to the enrolment. You will be shown a page where you can select the events to be used.
    NOTE: If you always use these options, you can set the boxes to be ticked permanently under File > Global preferences > Programme preferences.


Press Next to continue. This will display the second page of the Add Occurrence Enrolment Wizard:

 It is important to note: This page, and many others within this wizard will not prompt you to enter any details. This is because the information displayed in these fields is being derived from the Occurrence itself.

As you progress through the wizard you need only check to make sure the details are correct as you continue, or enter additional information should you require.


Press Next to continue. If the Show unit list box is ticked, This will display the Unit Selection window.

If you want tailor the Units to be added to the enrolment(s), you can tick and untick them as required. The unit list will display all units that were attached to the Occurrence. If a particular unit is not present in this list, it will first need to be added to the occurrence prior to enrolling.


Press Next to continue. If the Show class list box is ticked, This will display the Select classes window.

Within this screen you can now choose to add/remove classes from the particular occurrence enrolments should you require. To add/remove classes entirely, this will need to be managed within the occurrence itself.


Press Next to continue. If the Show event list box is ticked, This will display the Select events window.

Within this screen you can now choose to add/remove events from the particular occurrence enrolments should you require. To add/remove events entirely, this will need to be managed within the occurrence itself.


Press Next to continue. This will display the Set State Based Fields window.

As mentioned above, the State Based information in this area will be pre-filled as per the Occurrence settings already entered. You can change details within the screen should you require, and it will only impact the people being enrolled - not the occurrence itself.


Press Next to continue. This will display the Pricing Information window.

As mentioned above, the Pricing information in this area will be pre-filled as per the Occurrence settings already entered. You can change details within the screen should you require, and it will only impact the people being enrolled - not the occurrence itself.


Press Next to continue. This will display the Optional Information window.

As mentioned above, the Optional Information in this area will be pre-filled as per the Occurrence settings already entered. You can change details within the screen should you require, and it will only impact the people being enrolled - not the occurrence itself.


Press Next to continue. This will display the Optional Information window.

If the person has any existing active enrolments that overlap this enrolment in time, and that include any of the same units that are associated with this occurrence, ticking this box will link those enrolments together.

NOTE: There is a setting on the General Preferences page of the Global Preferences Wizard to indicate whether this should be on or off by default.


The enrolment(s) will then be created, and display under the Enrolments heading in the Occurrence Details panel: 

There is also the option to view an Occurrence Enrolment on a Per Client Basis within the Client Manager (quickly accessible by right-clicking a Client enrolment and selecting View client in new tab), and expanding the Enrolments (occurrence) heading:

These occurrence enrolments can also be edited at any time by right-clicking and selecting Edit Enrolment.


RELATED: Managing Occurrence Details

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