VETtrak AVETMISS Changes - 2021

This article details the changes made in VETtrak versions 20.4 to accommodate the state and national changes to AVETMISS reporting requirements in 2021. 

Parts of this functionality have been implemented in the VETtrak 2020 version release (Version: 20.4)

Changes have been made to VETtrak to allow you to comply with AVETMISS reporting changes for 2021. You can continue to report 2020 data as normal, with the additional fields for 2021 being available so that you can enter data now for enrolments that start or continue into 2021.


Victorian AVETMISS 2021 Reporting Changes 

The following changes have been made to prepare VETtrak for the 2021 AVETMISS reporting changes for Skills Victoria (SVTS).

Note: These reporting changes will only take effect for reporting from 2021, so you can use VETtrak 20.4 to complete your 2020 AVETMISS reporting.


VIC claim exclusion column now available in Enrolment Results wizard

For a VIC enrolment, the Enrolment Results wizard now allows you to turn on the Claims exclusion (VIC) column: 

This allows a user to adjust this field on the same screen of the wizard, for each unit:

This wizard will also give a warning if the "ERA" claim exclusion code is used for a unit that does nothave an outcome of 79:

For more information on this functionality, see our VIC: Exclude Units from Claiming/Invoicing article.


Exclude cancelled enrolments from influencing program commencement date generation

When Generate AVETMISS is calculating a Course Commencement Date, it will no longer consider any other enrolments with the same client, qualification, funding and activity in the same year that have an Enrolment Status of Cancelled:


Client fees cannot be blank

Generating Victorian AVETMISS in 2021 or later will no longer report an empty tuition fee or client fees: other.

VETtrak will now report zeros (00000) if there are no applicable fees:

Generate AVETMISS:


New fee waiver "C"

The new VIC fee waiver code C for Construction Industry Skill Sets initiative has been added:


Renamed Result Type / Outcome 79

The outcome and Result Type for 79 has been renamed to Waiting employer signoff or a practical placement:

Within the Record Results wizard:


Remove claim exclusion C19

As the claim exclusion code C19 is no longer valid, this option will no longer be available in drop-down menus unless it was already selected and in use:

VETtrak 20.3:VETtrak 20.4:

Generating AVETMISS for Victorian Enrolments for SVTS Reporting in 2021 or later will now report an error if the C19 exclusion is used:


Additional Victorian AVETMISS Warnings/Errors

  • Course Commencement Dates,  Superseded Enrolments, Client Codes with Spaces
    VIC Generate AVETMISS in 2021 or later will report an error if the course commencement date is in 2021 or later, the enrolment does not supersede another one, and the client code contains any spaces (SVTS rule 80020).

  • Warning when purchasing contract may not be required
    VIC Generate AVETMISS in 2021 or later will report a warning if the course commencement date is in 2021 or later, the enrolment does not supersede another one, and the enrolment has a purchasing contract but the funding source is configured as not requiring a purchasing contract (SVTS rule 120017).

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