Rapid Registration Settings

The Rapid Registrations feature provides an alternative "rapid" version to the registration process that is condensed to collect minimal information on a single page (excluding applicable Custom Question Sets and Payment) instead of the longer step-by-step process the standard process offers.

Settings for the feature are accessed from the Configuration page () in the VETenrol Admin via Rapid Registrations, where there are also links to relevant shared features.

Click the Rapid Registrations heading or associated text to manage settings for the feature.


Each of the options are grouped into the following sections:

Display Settings (Courses Widget)

These settings affect the Courses page.

Rapid Display Settings for Courses

Show all occurrences will display inactive/closed occurrences. This will result in displaying every past occurrence that is still published for any programme that also has at least one occurrence published in the future with a start date falling within the time frame set by the Months to Show value. This is the rapid equivalent for the Standard Setting of the same name.

Allow registering after start date allows users to register until the end date/time of occurrences. If the occurrence has classes, it will be the date and end time of the last class. This is the rapid equivalent for the Standard Setting of the same name.

The Low Limit option determines the number of remaining vacancies required before the Book now button label will be replaced with Almost Full. A value of 0 indicates the feature is not in use.

Time Format allows the selection of 12 hour or 24 hour time to be displayed for the occurrence start time.

The Show vacancies option adds the number of remaining vacancies to the course details.

Courses Low Limit

Courses (Rapid Registration) - with Low Limit active

Courses default

Courses (Rapid Registration) - Default

Courses Vacancies

Courses (Rapid Registration) - Show Vacancies

Display Settings (Registration)

These settings affect the display of the registration page.

Rapid Display Settings for Registering

Show list of classes displays a list of classes for the occurrence(s) on the Rapid Registration page. The option is enabled by default.

Show Classes off Show classes list (  disabled)

Show Classes on Show classes list (  enabled - default)

The Disable mobile/email masking option removes the overlay that enforces a pattern for email addresses and for Australian mobile numbers. By default a mask is displayed as the user types into a relevant field (ie. Email, or Mobile) and is replaced as the user matches the pattern.

Masking on - option to disable is unticked

Masking enabled (option  unticked - default)

No masking - option to disable is ticked

Masking disabled (option  ticked)

Data Collection

These settings relate to the information that will be collected during the rapid registration process.

Rapid Settings Data Collection section

Mandate re-entry of email address includes another email address field for users to type their email address again to confirm it is correct.

Each Collect option enables a field for the Rapid Registration process, whereas the Force collection of options make the relevant field mandatory.

VETenrol Rapid Registration no collect options

Register step (Rapid) with all Collect options unticked versus all options ticked (except Notes).

VETenrol Rapid Registration all Collect options

The Collect Notes option also has the Notes label field, which allows the default Notes heading to be customised.

notes off Collect Notes field disabled (  - default)

Notes on Collect Notes field enabled (  ), Notes Label field blank


The options in this section relate to customisable elements of the rapid registration process.

Rapid Settings Formatting section


The Agree label is the text applied to the checkbox for accepting the Terms & Conditions.

Terms & Conditions is the text displayed to the user, appearing below the checkbox and label. There is no default text available for this.


These options relate to the handling of registrations as Web Enrolments in VETtrak.

Rapid Settings Processing section

Add web reservation prior to payment is an option that applies VETenrol's default behaviour for registrations to the rapid process. If enabled, registrations will be received into Web Enrolments in VETtrak prior to payment being completed.

Otherwise, the rapid process will use the default of waiting for payment before sending details to VETtrak.

The Force auto-process of web reservations option ignores the VETtrak publish option to Auto-process web reservations and behaves as if it is enabled for every Rapid Registration. This means when the web enrolment is received, the client matching and enrolment creation are done automatically.

Do not update matched client details will keep the existing client details in VETtrak when client matching auto-processed registrations.

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