Configuration Manager Overview

This Manager contains many miscellaneous items that appear elsewhere in VETtrak, usually in selection lists or grids. The Configuration Manager is where these lists are set up, and you will use different items depending on which VETtrak product you have purchased.

To open the Configuration Manager, choose Manage > Configuration from the menu, or click themceclip0.pngicon on the toolbar or from the Dashboard.


Assessment Modes

Assessment Modes are used to categorise how a particular student may have been assessed when working to complete training.


Attendance Reasons

Provides an option for users to clarify the particular details regarding their recorded attendance - For example describing an absence as being due to sickness.


Attendance Types

If you intend to record attendance in VETtrak, check that the types of attendance you want to use are in this tree. You can edit the existing ones by expanding the tree and right-clicking on them, or add new ones in by right-clicking on the Attendance types heading and choosing to add another. Attendance types that are no longer used can be archived so they are no longer available for selection when recording attendance. Note that each attendance type can count either positively (as in a normal attended type), not count at all (as in absent types) or count negatively if you want to reduce someone's attended hours by a certain type of record.



See the Attributes section for information about this item.


Award Types

You can set up your own types of awards here. Each Award Type must be categorised as either certificate, statement or other. For award types other than certificates, it is also possible to specify that a type of award can be issued without being linked to a particular qualification or course. You can set an award type as the default, so that whichever type you issue most frequently will be initially selected when you open the Award Wizard.


Booking Statuses

Use this section to set up various statuses for your bookings, such as tentative, confirmed, urgent, etc. You can select a colour that controls how bookings with that status will appear in the Booking Manager. See the Bookings section for more information.


Booking Steps

Use this section to set up the different stages in your internal administrative processes that your bookings go through, such as pending, confirmed, invoiced, paid, etc. These are displayed in narrow columns in the Booking Manager, so set an abbreviated heading that you can understand. See the Bookings section for more information.


Cancellation Reasons

If a contract or enrolment is cancelled, there is a facility to record the reason for the cancellation. The reason will be selected from one of the options set up here.


Classifications are used in conjunction with Positions to indicate the sort of roles that your clients have in their employer's business. Classifications give a way of further breaking down categories of positions, and may typically be something like Grade One, Grade Two, etc.


Contract / Enrolment Types

The various contract and enrolment types can be edited here or new ones added. You need to indicate for each type whether it is used for contracts, enrolments or both. Types that you no longer need can be archived so they no longer show up in the selection list when creating new contracts or enrolments.

You can set a type to be the default for either contracts, enrolments or both. If a type that can be used for both contracts and enrolments is set as default, only one default can be set. Two defaults can be set if one is for contracts and one for enrolments.


Cost Types

VETtrak allows you to record the costs, or expenses, of putting on a short course. These are generally things like catering, venue hire, tutor costs, etc. If you want to use this feature, right-click on the heading Cost types and add one or more into this tree. You can specify that some cost types, such as a Tutor Fee, must have a staff member associated with them.



Staff credentials serve as a method for a registered training organisation to record and reference the deliverable training offered by their trainers.


Credit Terms

Credit Terms allow you to set up a standard set of credit terms for calculating default invoice due dates, by applying a specified number of days from the invoice date or end of month.


Custom Fields

VETtrak also allows you to define 'Custom Fields' for recording additional information that is specific to your organisation, you can create your own custom fields to allow you to enter this information in the appropriate wizard and store it in the database.


Custom Field Applicability

Custom Field Applicability defines where the data defined by your Custom Fields is to be collected, defining what particular wizard within VETtrak will prompt you to collect the data. 


Delivery Strategies

For WA users, you must choose a delivery strategy when recording results. Set up these delivery strategies here. Use of delivery strategies is optional for users in other states.


Employer Types

A standard set of employer types comes pre-loaded into VETtrak, but others can be added here if you need them. When setting up an employer, there is a field to select which type of employer they are.



Events can be used for keeping records of items that happen or will happen. Events can be applied to a wide variety of items within VETtrak, such as Client, Enrolments, Occurrences and Contracts. See the Events Section for more robust details. 


External Systems

External System codes are used to enter unique identifiers for clients that may have been assigned via an External System, such as Finance or HR Systems.


Funding Models

Funding models allow you to set up a template for the types of pricing items you charge for in relation to your enrolments. Funding models can be selected in the Enrolment Wizard to automatically populate the pricing grid with relevant pricing items.

See Process: Creating (And Using) A New Funding Model for information about this item.


Funding Sources

A Funding Source represents the method by which an enrolment fee is paid; either from a government funding pool or the client paying a fee for the service. The state governments for ACT, NT, Qld, SA, Tas and Vic have a set of standard, government-recognised funding sources for use, many of which are available in VETtrak by default. If there are any funding sources that you need that are not included by default, you can create a corresponding Funding Source in VETtrak at your convenience. See the Funding Sources help article for more information.



Public holidays have been set up so that you will be warned if you try to schedule a class or event on a date that is a holiday. A standard set of public holidays provided by the government has been set up for you, but you can add any extra holidays that apply to your organisation, or remove any that do not apply. Holidays can be specified as either national holidays, or holidays relevant to a particular state.


Inventory Items

Here you can enter any items that you are going to sell, such as textbooks or equipment. You can enter a cost and the GST for each item (GST should be included in the total cost). Inventory items can be marked inactive when they are no longer to be used. A default ledger code can be set here for each inventory item, which can be overridden when invoicing the item if required.


Ledger Codes

Ledger items allow you to collate the income that you receive from various offerings into appropriate categories. For example, you may create a Ledger item for all your IT-related fee-for-service offerings and another for all your personal-development-related fee-for-service offerings. This would provide the background data for some interesting financial reports should you wish to use it.


LMS Integrations

The LMS Integrations heading serves as a place to configure a connection to an LMS system. Right-click to add an integration, and enter the appropriate configuration details to create a new integration.


Location Loadings (Qld users only)

The Queensland government pays different amounts depending on where training is delivered. These amounts are set up under the Location loadings node:

  • SE Qld - 100%
  • Country - 115%
  • Remote - 175%



You will need to set up at least one delivery location at which your training takes place. Different state governments have different requirements about the level of detail you need to go to in describing these locations.

To add a location into VETtrak, right-click on the appropriate state under the Locations node and choose to add a new one.

Each location must have a suburb / town specified, and you can optionally enter a complete address for a location (address is mandatory in Victoria). When setting the suburb, only the suburbs of the state you are adding the location in will be available for selection. If you want to select a suburb for another state (if, for example, the location is in a border town), the Load all button will allow you to select a suburb from any state.


  • In Victoria, location addresses are mandatory. Note that you cannot change the address of a location once you have reported it. If you need to change the address of a location, you will need to report it with a new location identifier. VETtrak cannot validate this.
  • If you have regions that span more than one state (such as for training activities conducted in border towns), you can make use of the Regions feature to group locations in whatever way is appropriate for your purposes.
  • Locations that are no longer used can be marked as inactive by ticking the box in the Location Wizard.
  • If you deliver training at employers' premises and want to report the employer address as the location for enrolments, it is possible to do this without setting up a separate location to match the employer's address. In this case, when creating an enrolment, you can choose to report the address of the employer associated with the enrolment as the location.

Rooms can be set up under Locations and are later associated with classes or attendance sessions within an occurrence. If you want to use the rooms feature, set up at least one room within your location by right-clicking on the location and choosing the appropriate menu. Click on the + sign next to the Room to display a list of classes in that Room. The filter on the right-hand side of the screen can be used to limit the date range for the classes you want to see.


Merge Templates

This section allows you to set up templates for a number of VETtrak functions.  You can set up templates for email and SMS messages that you commonly send, and invoice item templates to determine how the various enrolment and contract items that you charge for will appear on your invoices. See the relevant sections for more information.



The entry in this tree represents your organisation. Right-click on the Organisation node to enter your organisation. Once entered, you can right-click on the name of your organisation to edit it. 


Payment types

VETtrak comes with four basic payment types set up - Cash, Cheque, Credit Card and EFT. You can add other payment types by right-clicking on the Payment types node, but all types must be categorised as one of these four main types. Payment types can be made inactive when they are no longer available for use.



You can set up here the various roles that individuals may have within their company. These can be further divided into different levels or groups by selecting a classification for each position. When you create a new client, you will have the opportunity to select what position they hold in their company.


Pricing items

These are the types of prices you charge for your various offerings. They are generally things like Tuition Fee, Enrolment Fee, Course Fee, Materials Levy, Amenities Fee, etc. Pricing items can be made inactive when they are no longer available for use.

Victorian users who are using Pricing Items must have at least one Pricing Item set to be used in Tuition Fee calculations. If you are using the Tuition Fees Wizard to view how much an individual has been charged in the past, only enrolments containing Pricing Items with this selected will be displayed in the grid.

Western Australian users must have a Pricing Item set to be used for Resource Fee calculations, and another set to be used for Loan Liability calculations.

See the Pricing Items section for more information about setting up pricing items.


Programme types

If you deliver a number of different kinds of Programmes, you can classify them into different types. When working with the Programme Manager (see below), you can choose to view just one type at a time, or several or all Programmes at once. Click on the [+] sign next to the Programme Type in the Configuration Manager to display a list of Programmes of that type. You can specify one of your Programme Types as the default type to be used if another type is not selected for a Programme.



Programmes are the internal name you give to your offerings. When a Programme is delivered it is called a Programme occurrence. For example, one of your offerings may be called "Basic Office Skills". Because this is a popular type of offering you run this Programme regularly, say once every two months. In VETtrak terms, each time you offer an instance of Basic Office Skills you are making an occurrence of the Programme. This concept is demonstrated in the example to follow so it should soon make sense! Click on the [+] sign next to the Programme to display the occurrences of that Programme. The filter on the right-hand side of the screen can be used to limit the date range for occurrences you want to see.


Purchasing Contracts (NT, Qld, SA, Tas and Vic only)

NT: The NT govt issues purchasing contract or Resource Agreement / Notice of Variation Numbers to RTOs for certain types of funded training. To add a new one in, right-click on Northern Territory under Purchasing contracts and choose to add a new one

Qld: The Qld govt issues purchasing contract and schedule number information to RTOs for certain types of funded training. To add a new one in, right-click on Queensland under Purchasing contracts and choose to add a new one.

SA: The Purchasing Contract field is now required in South Australia. This number will be provided to RTOs by the Purchasing section of DFEEST and relates to the particular programme you are delivering.

Tas: Skills Tasmania issues purchasing contract information to RTOs for certain types of funded training. To add a new one in, right-click on Tasmania under Purchasing contracts and choose to add a new one.

Vic: The Victorian government issues purchasing contract numbers for training that has a state funding source of "L" (User Choice New Apprentices) or "T" (Tender). To add a new one in, right-click on Victoria under Purchasing contracts and choose to add a new one.

NOTE: The Target Hours field in the Purchasing Contract Wizard can be used for generating reports showing actual vs target hours. It is not used for government reporting.


QA Rejection Reasons

QA Rejection reasons provide the VETtrak administrator to offer a clarification for why a submitted item in the QA manager may have been rejected. (IE 'Insufficient Details)


Referral Sources

If you survey your clients about where they heard about your services, you can set up the various sources here, and select them when you create enrolments. Referral sources can be archived when they are no longer to be used.



Regions provide another way of grouping locations, either in areas that are smaller than the state level, or even groupings of locations that may span different states. This can be useful for cross-border activities, where a location close to the border is treated as part of the adjacent state.


Result types

This tree contains the various types of results that can be recorded, and contains some that are specific to certain states. If your organisation does not deliver in Qld, NT, Vic and / or WA you can delete these state-specific ones to make the tree less cluttered. You need to indicate:

  • What AVETMISS outcome code should be reported for this type of result
  • Whether the result is valid for units / modules, or elements / outcomes, or both.
  • Whether this result is the default result for that outcome code, and
  • Whether this result type should be included in your AVETMISS reporting or not.

Result types can be archived when they are no longer to be used. An archived result will still appear in your reporting, but will no longer be available for selection when recording new results.

NOTE FOR SOUTH AUSTRALIAN USERS: The Result Type Wizard contains a field called Provider Outcome. The information in this field is reported as the "Outcome Identifier - Training Organisation" in your AVETMISS files. This field should only be used to hold the code "AP" for an Academic Pass result type. Contact VETtrak support if you are unsure about how to use this field.


Staff types

This tree contains the various types of staff that you want to specify against the trainee's contract of training. For example, Trainer, Assessor, Field Officer, etc.


Status Types

The different contract and enrolment status types can be edited here or new ones added. Each status type must correspond to a status of Active, Completed or Cancelled.



VETtrak comes loaded with the latest list of suburbs, which can be updated regularly via the Update AVETMISS Fields utility. You can add or remove suburbs manually here, but this should only be done with extreme caution. First, try running the Update AVETMISS Fields utility to see if the suburb you want has been added to the listing.



This feature allows you to create several tasks to be associated with an occurrence or enrolment. Tasks can then be associated with the units for an occurrence or enrolment, and/or with occurrence classes. Any number of tasks can be associated with a unit or class, and a task can be linked to more than one unit or class.


Task Statuses

Task statuses is used for setting the status of a task. Each task status must correspond to a status type of Active, Completed or Cancelled.


Visa Types

For international students, the Client Personal Wizard contains fields to enter information about their visa. The different types of visa can be configured here.


Vocations (required in SA only)

It is a requirement of the SA govt to report the vocation for each trainee. This information is included in the letter you receive from ARC when a traineeship is registered. Add new ones in by right-clicking on the heading and choosing the appropriate menu choice. Click on the + sign next to the vocation to display enrolled clients with that vocation. The filter on the right-hand side of the screen can be used to limit the date range and contract status for enrolments you want to see. Vocations can be made inactive when they are no longer available to use.


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