Deferred Payments

Deferred Payments is a feature that adjusts the default workflow of VETenrol to separate payment from the registration process. Registrations are submitted without a payment method chosen. The appropriate pricing can be determined by review of the Registration Details and the student emailed to make the payment when all the paperwork is in order.

This feature may be applicable to RTOs that want to assess eligibility, membership or suitability prior to requesting payment.

Deferred Payments applies globally to the standard registration process for individuals only, and alters the Confirm step to remove the Payment Options section. Relevant payment options that are enabled will be offered to the user during the Pay Now process.

Deferred Payments does not omit showing prices if VETenrol Admin settings are set to show costs.

In order to use the Deferred Payments feature, you will need to put a request through to Support for access to this feature to be enabled for your VETenrol account.


  • A payment gateway integration.


  • A second instance for Deferred Payments, if you want to keep the standard process unchanged for some programmes.

In this article:

Deferred Payment Workflow

The workflow for Deferred Payments leaves completion of the registration on hold while the training organisation deals with pre-enrolment paperwork for the potential student.

  • The user registers.
  • Admin reviews the registration in VETenrol Admin
    • views identity documents and other files submitted as part of the registration process.
    • checks answers to custom questions, LLNs and other details completed during the registration process.
    • follows up with user as required to determine eligibilities for suitability, funding, etc.
  • Admin sets the appropriate pricing and sends the Pay Now request.
  • The user receives the email, clicks the Pay Now link and completes payment for the Registration.
  • Admin processes the Web Enrolment in VETtrak.

Configuring VETenrol for Deferred Payments

After the initial request to Support to activate the feature, the setting for Deferred Payments will be available from the VETenrol Admin. Your VETenrol account will have a generic Pay Now mail template available for use, however this should be customised to your organisation at a minimum. Additionally, there may be pricing items to publish in VETtrak for your occurrences that also need to be excluded from displaying for VETenrol.

See also: Email Templates, Exclusions.

The Deferred Payments setting is available from the Integrations page. Navigate to the page via Configuration () and then:

  • choose Payment Gateway, under Payment Settings
    choose Integrations, and then click the Payment Gateway tab.

To enable Deferred Payments:VETenrol Admin Integrations showing Payment Gateway tab

  • Tick Deferred Payments in the Payment Gateway Options section.
  • Click the Save button.


Enabling Deferred Payments will remove payment options for new visitors to VETenrol. Users already browsing courses or with registrations in progress will not be affected.

Handling Registrations with Deferred Payments in VETenrol Admin

All registrations of type Individual will have the Deferred Payment status. Once the pre-enrolment paperwork and/or other administrative tasks are complete, the registration can be prepared for receiving payment:

VETenrol Admin Registrations page

  • View the Registration Details by clicking the ID link for the record.
    The Payment Details section has options for handling the pricing and requesting payment.

  • The Change link allows the Amount to be set to another pricing item associated with the occurrence.
  • The Pay Now link will open the Email Client pop-up so the user can be emailed from a template. Choose an appropriate Pay Now template to request payment for the course.


Changing pricing

By clicking the Change link in the Payment Details section, you can set a price for the user before they are requested to pay.

VETenrol Admin Change Pricing page for Deferred Payments

  1. Select the Pricing Item from the list. These are the pricing items set in your VETtrak for the occurrence.
  2. Click the Save button.

The registration will be updated with the new cost and the user can be emailed using the Pay Now link to make the payment.

Student Interface (User Experience)

The registration process will proceed as normal through to the Confirm step, however the Payment Option section will not exist.

Standard process for an individual registering

Standard process for an individual registering when Deferred Payments is enabled.

Once the user receives the email containing their Pay Now link, they will be able to complete the final payment step(s) for their registration.

VETenrol Student Interface for Pay Now feature

Completing the Pay Now process for their registration will update the record in VETenrol Admin with their chosen payment method.

Payment Methods other than Credit Card are NOT automated!
If additional payment methods are being offered with the Deferred Payment feature, your organisation must have suitable processes in place to handle them.

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