Customised Labelling for VETenrol Accounts

VETenrol offers a small collection of labelling options that can only be enabled for your account by Support. While these are available by request, there wasn't a way to see which ones have been enabled for you. As of 23.1.3 Admin can now show all of these settings (partial release in 23.1.2, with remaining released in 23.1.3).

Admin displays such fields as disabled and there will typically be a help icon, the popup for which advises contacting Support for changes. Only the fields that are in use are displayed, so if you do not have any customised labelling for your account these types of fields will not show.

Note: As time has gone by some elements have been depreciated or have an equivalent editable version in the Admin. If one of these is requested, Support may direct you to use the alternative instead.

In this article:


VETenrol Admin Config Card for Registration Steps Changes to labelling for enquiries will enable Enquiry Settings from the Configuration (VETenrol Admin Icon Config) page in the VETenrol Admin.

These settings are for the enquiry forms available through the standard registration process and are only relevant if the associated enquiry features are enabled via Standard Settings, or the direct link to course enquiry is being used.

VETenrol Admin Enquiry Settings page

The screenshot depicts customisation for all available enquiry labelling, if any of these are not in use they will not appear here.

Group Bookings

Some labelling is applicable to Group Bookings, which have been added to the setting page available from Configuration (VETenrol Admin Icon Config) in the VETenrol Admin.

VETenrol Admin Group Bookings page

The screenshot depicts customisation of all available labelling for Group Bookings, any not in use will not be displayed.

LLN Quizzes

Two basic labelling customisations are applicable to LLN Quizzes for the overall step heading and description.

VETenrol Admin LLN Quizzes page

The screenshot depicts customisation of all available labelling for Group Bookings, any not in use will not be displayed.

Standard Settings

A small number of labelling customisations are applicable to Standard Settings, and these apply to the Course Display and Text & Labels tabs.

VETenrol Admin Occurrence Details section of Standard Settings

Occurrence Details section of the Course Details tab

VETenrol Admin Alt and Main page sections of Standard Settings

Affected sections of the Text & Labels tab

Note: The button label for Group Bookings is also displayed here in addition to being on the Group Bookings page.

Standard Registrations

Both default and optional steps of the standard registration process have various applicable labelling customisations.

Default Registration Steps

VETenrol Admin Registration Steps: Personal tab

Labelling for the Personal tab

VETenrol Admin Registration Steps: Details tab

Labelling for the Details tab

VETenrol Admin Registration Steps: Confirm tab

Labelling for the Confirm tab

Optional Registration Steps

VETenrol Admin Optional Registration Steps: USI tab

USI Creation Instructions section for USI tab

VETenrol Admin Optional Registration Steps: Student Number tab

SA WorkReady Declaration Checkbox Label for Student Numbers tab

VETenrol Admin Optional Registration Steps: Identity tab

Additional Labelling section for Identity tab

VETenrol Admin Optional Registration Steps: Employer tab

Additional Labelling section for Employer tab

VETenrol Admin Optional Registration Steps: Concession tab

Jobactive Provider section for Concession tab

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