AVETMISS FAQ & Errors - New South Wales


  • What is the name of the AVETMISS Reporting Body for New South Wales?
    Training Services NSW is the name of the reporting body.
    NSW Smart and Skilled is a NSW Government program.
  • How are AVETMISS files reported to Smart and Skilled?
    The NAT files are validated through NCVER AVETMISS Validation Software (AVS). You can use the VETtrak NCVER integration to validate your AVETMISS files through the AVS.
    After validating the files, they are uploaded by the provider to Smart and Skilled - NSW along with the Collection Processing Summary file.
  • Where can I find more information about NSW Smart and Skilled reporting requirements?
    Visit the Smart and Skilled - For Providers page for documentation. You can also sign into STS Online for further documentation.


Error/Warning CodeError/Warning MessageSolution
Unit Start Date
Error/Warning (VETtrak)
"This Unit/Module has a start date in the past and a finish date in the future, so must have an outcome code of 70."

"The result is Not Yet Started but the start date has passed."
The enrolled unit has a Not Yet Started result set against it and has a Start Date that is in the past.

The unit Start Date or the Not Yet Started result type, will need to be changed. You can do this by resetting the unit results and re-entering them with a Continuing result type.

Process: Removing/Resetting a Unit/Module Result
Process: Recording Results in VETtrak
(Smart and Skilled)
"Earliest Unit of Competency Start Date [Unit Start Date]
cannot be changed after commencement of
The earliest Unit Start Date reported for this Commitment ID has been changed since the last upload.
To resolve this, ensure that the earliest unit start date is reported for the Commitment ID. You can run the Enrolment History Report to show the previous start and finish dates for each unit.
You can access this by right clicking on the Enrolment >> Show Reports >> Show Enrolment Report with Comments and History.
As there can be multiple enrolments linked to one Commitment ID, you may need to run this report on each enrolment that has been previously reported with that Commitment ID to find the unit with the earliest start date.
You can follow the articles below to amend the start date of the unit.

Process: Removing/Resetting a Unit/Module Result
Process: Recording Results in VETtrak

(Smart and Skilled 
"Unique Student Identifier [{0}] is not the same as that previously supplied [{1}] for this Commitment Id."

"Name [{0}] is not the same as that previously supplied ([{1}]) for this Commitment Id."
The USI in the Client Wizardfor the student does not match the USI for the Commitment ID in the Update Student Details page in STS Online.
To resolve this compare the USI in VETtrak with the USI in the STS Online portal.

Unique Student Identifier (USI) Overview

The Name of the student does not match the Commitment ID information.
Please check that their Name and Commitment ID is correct.

NSW: Smart and Skilled Reporting Essentials
(Smart and Skilled)

"The code supplied [Qualification code] is not the same as the qualification code against the Commitment ID. Check against the Notification of Enrolment Report issued by the Provider Calculator."
Go to AVETMISS - Generate State AVETMISS Files and go to the second page of this wizard to see your generated NAT Files. Expand the NAT000120 and check the Qualification column next to your client's enrolled unit record.

Log into STS Online and check the Qualification Code on the Notification of Enrolment Report issued by the Provider Calculator.

Compare the Qualification Code from each of the above, the solution may be one of the below points.
(Smart and Skilled)
Current Qualification [{0}] is not approved on your NSW scope of registration.The Qualification/Course reported in your NAT00030 is not recognised as an approved Qualification on your NSW scope of registration.

Go to the State AVETMISS Generation Wizard for NSW in VETtrak, expand the NAT00030 and review the records in this file to confirm that the Qualifications shown in here are expected to be on your training scope with NSW STS.

Contact NSW STS to confirm your NSW Scope of Registration if you feel there is a discrepancy.
1090 and 1171
(Smart and Skilled)
"Training Activity Data has been finalised for Commitment ID [####]. No further data can be accepted."If the enrolment has had an award created and reported in the previous AVETMISS submission to indicate that this enrolment is complete, this enrolment should no longer be included in future AVETMISS generations.

To prevent this enrolment from being included in future AVETMISS generations, Edit the enrolment, go to the AVETMISS page, select the Commitment Info tab and tick the Complete box.

NSW: Smart and Skilled Reporting Essentials
(Smart and Skilled)
"The Units of Competency supplied are not in accordance with the Training Package rules for this Qualification"Ensure the Units under the Qualification adhere to the rules listed for the Qualification on training.gov.au

Double check the units are included in the NAT120 file through the AVETMISS Generation options below:
  • NSW Smart and Smart generation: This will report all units under the Commitment ID, only Commitment ID's that begin with 'C' and 'S' will be reported with this option ticked
  • Include past units linked to reported award: This will report all units linked Awards being reported in the Generation Year.

Adding a Unit of Competency to a Qualification
Generating AVETMISS Files

(Smart and Skilled)
"The required number of Core Units of Competency for this qualification as specified in the training package have not been submitted"Core Units may be missing required information to appear in the NAT00120 file.

Ensure the Units associated with the Qualification are listed under the Client Enrolment and that the Units have Start and Finish Dates recorded.

If the student has not commenced the Unit then an Outcome of 85 (Not Yet Started) can be reported.

You can check which Units are required for the Qualification by reviewing the Qualification on training.gov.au

Lastly, double-check the AVETMISS Generation options if the following apply:
  • NSW Smart and Smart generation: This will report all units under the Commitment ID, only Commitment ID's that begin with 'C', 'S' and 'Q' will be reported with this option ticked
  • Include past units linked to reported award: This will report all units linked Awards being reported in the Generation Year.

Adding a Unit of Competency to a Qualification
Process: Recording Results in VETtrak
Generating AVETMISS Files


(Smart and Skilled)
Date training commenced [{0}] was later than the Qualification End Date or the latest Commencement date specified on the Activity Schedule for the Commitment ID.

Date training commenced [{0}] was earlier than the Qualification Start Date or the earliest Commencement date specified on the Activity Schedule for the Commitment ID.

The Unit Start Date and Finish Date within the Client Enrolment must begin and end training within the Qualification Start Date and Qualification End Date specified on the Approved Qualifications Activity Schedule (AQAS) provided by NSW Smart and Skilled. This rule applies to enrolments in Qualifications, Skill Sets, and Skill groups.

To fix this, review the Qualification Start Date and Qualification End Date on the AQAS and ensure that the Unit Start/Finish Dates fall within this date range.
(Smart and Skilled)
The Unit of Competency outcomes supplied are not in accordance with the Training Package rules for this Qualification [{0}].Errors can occur if a Unit of Competency does not match the Training Package rules for the Qualification.

This can occur when:
  • A missing unit from the Qualification (Core or Elective unit)
  • The UoC are not being reported as successfully completed
  • or reported as 'Training Not Completed'/'Deferred'.

You can check the Training Package rules for the qualification on training.gov.au.

(Smart and Skilled)
Unit of Competency [{0}] must not have outcome of '70' if 'Training Not Completed' is indicated.The unit has a Continuing Activity - 70 result, and the enrolment has a Training Status of 'Training Not Completed'

'Training Not Completed' is intended for enrolments where the student is discontinuing their study (i.e. cancelled).

This can be fixed by either:
  • Changing the unit result to a Withdrawn/discontinued - 40 result
  • Change the Training Status in the enrolment wizard to Normal (in progress) (See below)
(Smart and Skilled)
Cannot indicate 'Training Not Completed' and also indicate Qualification eligibility in the Program Completed (NAT00130) file.The Enrolment has a Training Status of 'Training Not Complete' and a reportable Award has been created for this enrolment.

If the enrolment is not completed, then it is not expected that an award record would appear in the NAT00130 for this enrolment.

You will either need to change the Training Status from 'Training Not Completed' to 'Normal (in progress)' or Delete the Award.
(Smart and Skilled)
Cannot indicate 'Training Not Completed' when all Units of Competency have completed outcomes.The Enrolment has a Training Status of 'Training Not Completed' and all Units within this enrolment have Completed Results.

Edit the Enrolment and update the Training Status through the Enrolment Wizard.
(Smart and Skilled)
Cannot indicate 'Deferred' and also indicate Qualification eligibility in the Program Completed (NAT00130) file.This error will occur if the enrolment has a Training Status of 'Deferred' and has an Award recorded. An Award indicates the enrolment is complete, however, a Deferred Training Status is not considered complete for NSW Smart and Skilled reporting.

This can be fixed by either:
  • Change the Award Type to a Statement of Attainment. You may want to do this if the student has completed 1 or more units in the enrolment and you wish to provide them with a statement of completed units.
  • or change the Training Status of the enrolment to Normal (in progress) if the student completed their enrolment and the intent is to report their completion to NSW Smart and Skilled.
(Smart and Skilled)
Unit of Competency enrolment [{0}] dates indicate that it has started and not yet completed, so it must have an outcome identifier of '70' (Continuing Activity).This Unit has a Not Yet Started Result and has passed its Start Date.

If training has starting for a Unit, change the result to 70 - Continuing.
If training has NOT yet started for this Unit, update the Start Date to a date in the future.

Process: Recording Results in VETtrak
(Smart and Skilled)
Unit of Competency enrolment [{0}] has commencement date in the future, so should not have an outcome.The Unit you are trying to report has a Start Date in the future but has a Result indicating that it has started.

Either the Result of the Unit should be set to 85 - Not yet started, or the Start Date should be changed to reflect an earlier start for the Unit.

Process: Recording Results in VETtrak 
(Smart and Skilled)
Unit of Competency enrolment [{0}] has end date in the past so must have a final outcome.The Unit has a Finish Date in the past, so the Resultmust be final, such as Completed (i.e. it cannot have results such as Continuing or Not Yet Started).

Process: Recording Results in VETtrak
(Smart and Skilled)
Unit of Competency enrolment [{0}] has a final outcome, so cannot have end date in the future.The Unit has a Finish Date in the future but the Result indicates that training for this unit has finished (such as Competent).

You can change the Finish Date for the Unit in the Enrolment Results Wizard to reflect a date in the past, or, update the Unit Result to reflect that the Unit is still in training (such as Continuing).

Process: Recording Results in VETtrak
(Smart and Skilled)
Earliest Start Date [{0}] for UoCs with ’85 – Not yet started’ outcomes should be on or after the earliest UoC start date [{1}] with valid Outcome.Units with a Not Yet Started result must have a start date that matches or comes after other units that have an outcome.

Changing the Units Start Date to better reflect the Not Yet Started outcome should resolve this error.

Process: Recording Results in VETtrak
(Smart and Skilled)
There is no NAT00085 postal details file record for this student.The NAT00085 file reports the student's postal information is missing for the reported student.

Edit the Client Personal Wizard to enter the Postal Address information for the client.
(Smart and Skilled)
Training Contract ID [{0}] is different to that recorded against the Training Contract ([{1}]).The TCID/TAID in the Contract Wizard does not what is expected in STS Online against the Commitment ID.

Check that the Commitment information provided by STS matches the Contract and TCID/TAID information that has been entered in the Contract Wizard.
(Smart and Skilled)
This Commitment Id requires a Training Contract ID to be supplied.The TCID is not being reported in the NAT00120 against the Commitment ID.

Edit the Enrolment and check that the Contract has been selected on the first page of the Enrolment Wizard. You may need to create the Contract first.
(Smart and Skilled)
Training Contract supplied is Invalid.The TCID in the Contract Wizard does not match the one supplied by NSW STS.

Check that the Commitment information provided by STS matches the Contract and TCID/TAID information that has been entered in the Contract Wizard.
(Smart and Skilled)
Unit of Competency [{0}] enrolment end date is later than Training Contract end date.The Unit Finish Date must match or precede the Training Contract End Date within STS Online.

You may need to change the Unit Dates or contact NSW STS.
(Smart and Skilled)
No valid program identifiers found for Client ID
The reported Program does not match what has been supplied in the Provider Calculator.

You may need to check that the Qualification selected in the Enrolment, or the Commitment ID supplied by STS, is correct.

NSW - Provider Calculator Export
NSW - Provider Calculator Results Import

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