Data Completion Settings

The Data Completions feature facilitates the collection of additional information for existing enrolments in VETtrak.


Settings for the feature are accessed from the Configuration page () in the VETenrol Admin via Data Completions.

Data Completion Settings

The options are divided between tabs and into the following sections:


This tab is for managing the wording for particular parts of the data completion process.


Control the Heading and Body Text for starting/resuming a short course registration.

Utilising these fields will replace the default heading of Personal Information, and/or the default body text of Please enter the same details that you used to register for the course.


Controls the Heading and Body text of the completion page shown to users after a short course registration has been completed.

If utilised, the heading will replace the default of Registration Complete, whereas the body text will replace: Thank you for completing your registration with us. One of our friendly staff will be contacting you shortly.


This tab covers options relating to the available steps for data completions.

Mandatory Steps

This section provides options for the required steps in the registration process.

Mandate collection of Gender, Include Signature Pad feature and Collect Exclusion from marketing are the only options available, and both function in the same way as the options of the same name for the standard registration process.


These options are for the Details step and are very similar to the options provided for the standard registration process. There are two notable exceptions: firstly, Populate address details determines if the residential address should be populated from the Client in VETtrak where available and is the only option relating to residential addresses; secondly, there is no fax option.


These options relate to the USI step for Data Completions. The option to Enabled USI step and Force collection of USI are the only options available. The additional options the USI step provides for the standard registration process are not available for data completions.


These options are for the AVETMISS step and function the same as with the standard registration process. Again there are some minor differences, with Removal of mandate on Year Completed, Mandate AVETMISS file upload and Mandating Study Reason not currently available.

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